
Hi Galaxyz! I'm sorry that I didn't update in the last 3 weeks. I really have to focus on my studies and there are lots of activities rn.
          	I'm so sorry and also, I will not update(again) on next sunday. I was really busy and I'm so sorry again.
          	Hope you guys understand! Thank you!


Hi Galaxyz! I'm sorry that I didn't update in the last 3 weeks. I really have to focus on my studies and there are lots of activities rn.
          I'm so sorry and also, I will not update(again) on next sunday. I was really busy and I'm so sorry again.
          Hope you guys understand! Thank you!


Hi Galaxyz! I'm sorry but I will not going to update today. I have lots of activities waiting for me and I don't want to be late in submitting my activities. I don't want my teachers to be mad at me.
          My next update will be next sunday. I'm sorry! I hope you guys wait for me... Thank you so much!


LoveSick girls is a bop! Its so amazing! The other songs are very beautiful and great too! I think this is the best comeback of Blackpink(in my opinion). Its really great and LoveSick girls are stucked in my head and I kept singing it!
          Btw, we can do it Blinks! Let's stream! I want Blackpink to be proud of us. We can do it!
          I think we can do...100M views in the 1st 24 hours? I hope so!


Hi Galaxyz! I have some good news! My book, 'JiRose ft. blacktan~The long lost princess' has now reached over 2K reads! YAY! Thank you guys so much for all the love and support. I really hope that ypu guys will support this book until the end. 
          I'm so happy rn. Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate it. Love you, Galaxyz!
          Since you guys already know that I always post every Sunday, I really hope you guys will read the new chapter that I made and I'm gonna post it in Sunday! Hope you guys are gonna love and support it. Thank you!
          Btw, should I make a new book cover? Or no?


BTS and BLACKPINK both paved their own ways. Why does toxic armys(not the innocents) are so selfish and obsessed for BTS that they want them to be the top?
          Jennie said she wished to be the ONE of the asrtist who paved the way but the toxic armys are so brainless that they didn't understood first on what she said and started to throw some hated on her saying "BTS paved the way" "BTS is better than Blackpink" Like wtf? Toxic armys are so selfish. I'm so mad rn.
          Galaxyz, can you guys tell me how to slap and punch someome on the internet? Because I can't hold myself to punch and slap them.


 #cancelkorea is now trending!
          The fact that some koreans(not all of them) are saying rude things to Filipinos are something unbelievable and embarrasing for their fellow koreans. 
          Koreans are calling us(filipinos) uneducated, ugly, poor, short and they also said we used plastic surgery which is not true and a very bad thing to say.
          Yes, we are poor for the governments or lack of money but we are very rich at Natutal Recources such as mountains and etc.
          We filipinos are beautiful/handsome inside and out. We don't use plastic surgeries because we are beautiful/handsome with or without make-up.
          They should be thankful to us(filipinos) because if the filipino soldiers did not help in the K-war, then North Korea should have now take over South Korea.
          There is so many K-pop fans here in the Philippines and they love Kpop including me but we are so sad, angry and very disappointed to the Koreans(not all of them).
          Tbh, the fact that South Korea is one of my favorite countries and I would love to go there but the Koreans made me sick. They made me hate them(only a little bit but I'm sure I'll get over it once this news are done).
          To all the Filipinos, let's lut our lightsticks down and wave our flags up high! #ApologizeToFlipinos #cancelkorea
          Thank you!


@Margathots I know right! We didn't even do anything to them.


this message may be offensive
@Park_JiminRosie i dont know any of this news but i feel disspointed about some koreans saying this shit things about us Filipinos 
            What do they get for insulting us? Nothing! 
            This is such a dissapointing act of them 


Hello! Are you a fan of Jinsoo? Mind checking my first Jinsoo story? Here's the link:
          I hope you'll love it! Critiques and suggestions are very welcomed. Thank you in advance and enjoy your day!


@shiteutea Ok! I'm gonna check your story but soon since I have my online class and I think its gonna be cool! Borahae!