
Hey y’all! I’m not dead I promise. I’m excited to acknowledge this: Back To Billdip was the first book I made that people actually liked, and or still do. I’m proud to say I’ve reached far beyond my initial goal over the years it took to finally finish it. The original goal was 1,000 views, at most. 
          	I’m so happy to be able to say we’ve reached well over 400K! I’m so sad I didn’t notice before now! And thank you, so much, for reading Back To Billdip! ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
          	In other news, I have about 39 different drafts of books in the works, including plenty for this of you who also like BNHA! I hope to see you all enjoying my writing in the future! Thank you all so much! :3 


HI!  So uh, i know Back to Billdip has been posted years ago, but i just read it now qnd let me tell you i finished it in 2 hours. It broke my heart that i couldn't find the sequel so i was going to ask if i can uh try to continue it? I really need to help the pain in my heart cause literally it's aching rn- 
          So basically can i make a Back to Billdip part 2? 
          I'll credit you! 
          Sorry for bothering you btw! 


Pls uptade your gravity falls journals soon :( we want a uptade! You have to uptade the journal 2 years ago :( Pls answer me if you have made something for this amazing journals you have made!


I’m sorry!!!


Oh- hi! I kind of let everyone who asked know that they’ve been pretty much abandoned. If I ever do go back to them I would have to do a complete rewrite, and sadly I just don’t have the time right now. 


Hey y’all! I’m not dead I promise. I’m excited to acknowledge this: Back To Billdip was the first book I made that people actually liked, and or still do. I’m proud to say I’ve reached far beyond my initial goal over the years it took to finally finish it. The original goal was 1,000 views, at most. 
          I’m so happy to be able to say we’ve reached well over 400K! I’m so sad I didn’t notice before now! And thank you, so much, for reading Back To Billdip! ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
          In other news, I have about 39 different drafts of books in the works, including plenty for this of you who also like BNHA! I hope to see you all enjoying my writing in the future! Thank you all so much! :3 


Hi, idk if ur active, but I just finished some fanart for ur story, "Back to Billdip," and I was hoping that I wasn't too late? Sorry to bother you, but where can I send it to you? I'll send u a pm on Facebook if you're okay with that! Or I'll just put it in my book? It's up to you!
          Again, sorry for bothering you!


And don’t ya worry, you’re definitely not a bother to me at all! I enjoy talking to people on here :3


Oh man!! I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner! I’m generally active, but it’s usually like,,,once every few weeks XD. 
            I don’t actually have Facebook (well I just don’t use it at all), so feel free to do whatever! I’d absolutely love to see it!!


A continuation of my book, Back to Billdip is being written!! Please go check it out, but be sure to read the first book if you haven’t already!


@ParanoidDanni oh It's okay! take as much time as you need :)


@GrimReaper275 the BNHA book has been taken down for now. It’ll come back... when I have more chapters prepped. I was getting really pressured and even threatened in pms so I just reported them and unpublished the book. Sorry ^*;;


@ParanoidDanni wait what happened to the bnha fanfic??