
The HUNGER GAMES have began!!! Make sure to check it out to find out who surives until the end! Have a wonderful day!!  


Hey guys and girls! I want to announce that I now have a Facebook page for you all to visit if you want to. It's name is: Wattpad Author Rainbow_Temmie
          Feel free to check it out! I will post updates about my books, answer questions, and put up motivational messages and quotes.


Hey, I was think I should write something. I'm just having trouble on what. If you know anyway to help plz do. And do you think it would be good if I even make a story? Plz let me know soon. Okay thank you.


@Mephobia_Cat  No problem! I love to help out when I can. Hood luck on your story!!


@Mephobia_Cat hahaha thank ya. That really means a lot to me. Thank you. Sorry I just want to keep saying thank you. You really just made my day. Think you for being so nice. I'll try my hardest. Cuz last night a made a start of a story but I have not posted it yet. And again thanks for saying that! 


I'm sorry that it is taking me so long for me to update my books, but I have a lot of writers block on both of them. I will try to update one of them by Sunday or Monday. Please be patient with me. :)
          Also, if you would like me to read your books, just contact me and it'll happen. :) It could also help inspire me a little more for my own books. 
          Thank you for taking the time to read my message. :)


For everyone that is reading Melody Hymes and The Magical Woods, I have a lot of writers block on this specific book and the next update won't be out for a while. I'm very sorry. I will try to update my other book, If The Petals Fall very soon. Thank you for taking the time to read this. :)