
Hello, I'm dropping by to say thanks for adding not one, but two of my stories to your new reading list! I hope you'll enjoy them. Part two is on hold right now  technically, but after a ten year absence on here I'm definitely back and working on things.
          Much love,


You're a gem❤️✨ I see your support on My Veela- Dramione, your presence means a whole lot to me. I'm glad you gave my book a chance. And I'm happy to have you read it. I hope you enjoy it.
          (Ps: in case of any comments, I'd love to reply, but I might be in a class in school as this message reaches you. I'll try to reply to all of them as soon as I can.)
          With all the love I have for what I do,
          itsraining_again ❤️


Hey Girl! Thanks For Adding ‘The Incident’ And ‘The Mission’ To Your Reading List! You Rock!


Haha! Thanks! Heads up, I’m working on a chapter rn!


@HP_4evr  hey it was a good book