So... I apologize because I've been gone for a year- (again) and uhm, to the people who has voted, commented, and added my works to their reading list...
          	I'm a little bit mortified (because why do you guys even read those bull crap my inexperienced 11 year old wrote ) and feel like a burden to you guys cuz I have changed fandoms. I left the dsmp fandom since there's a lot of drama going on and it just doesn't feel like the way it did when I just recently joined.
          	I think I left the fandom in November? I was pretty busy since I'm a freshman in high school and there's a lot of activities to do that I didn't get to check on this account until now-
          	I also wanna say that I might actually sign off as an author this time. High school is harder than I expected and I want to stay focused in my studies-
          	This is the first time (this year) I checked my wattpad account and it probably won't happen frequently since our schedule is literally busy this month as it is almost the end of the school year.
          	I don't really know if I'm able to keep you guys updated but I'll try. ^^
          	Thank you for reading this announcement and I hope you have a good day. :)


@PJTDCMARCH28  Hey Blue!! Uhh long time no talk! You're not the only one who has been gone for a year now, lol. Anywayssss glad you're back!! 


So... I apologize because I've been gone for a year- (again) and uhm, to the people who has voted, commented, and added my works to their reading list...
          I'm a little bit mortified (because why do you guys even read those bull crap my inexperienced 11 year old wrote ) and feel like a burden to you guys cuz I have changed fandoms. I left the dsmp fandom since there's a lot of drama going on and it just doesn't feel like the way it did when I just recently joined.
          I think I left the fandom in November? I was pretty busy since I'm a freshman in high school and there's a lot of activities to do that I didn't get to check on this account until now-
          I also wanna say that I might actually sign off as an author this time. High school is harder than I expected and I want to stay focused in my studies-
          This is the first time (this year) I checked my wattpad account and it probably won't happen frequently since our schedule is literally busy this month as it is almost the end of the school year.
          I don't really know if I'm able to keep you guys updated but I'll try. ^^
          Thank you for reading this announcement and I hope you have a good day. :)


@PJTDCMARCH28  Hey Blue!! Uhh long time no talk! You're not the only one who has been gone for a year now, lol. Anywayssss glad you're back!! 


Uhm, hi? I haven't bought milk.. yet-
          Idk why my notifications are literally 99+ but I saw some users that followed me and added my books to their collections. I appreciate the fact that they have read it even if the storyline isn't that good but really, thank you to whoever those who have read it.
          I won't be posting immediately but I figured that I will soon since after our exam on Friday, it's gonna be a long holiday and I might have a lot of time to brainstorm for a plot. That's all I wanted to say and thank you for those who have stayed as my followers despite my absence. Have a nice day everybody. =]


@PJTDCMARCH28 it's okay and we all fully understand and take as much time as you need!


Hi everyone :D
          For those that are expecting me to upload even more chapters on my stories, you're wrong :)
          I know that sometimes I've been leaving my readers on a cliffhanger but I promise you that it's not on purpose :')
          Just don't expect me to upload sooner since I might even quit on writing since I realized that I'm lacking in motivation even more but I'll try, I'll try and keep this account alive until I can peacefully sign off as an author with no work to continue.
          That's all I wanna say, bye and have a nice day. :>


@PJTDCMARCH28 that's very understandable and no worries 


To make up for all of the times I left my past readers on a cliff hanger, I will be rewriting one of my old books, Stupid dare, so that I can figure out how you guys want the story to go and to also see if I improved my writing skills. I'm hoping that I can update once or twice a day since I just graduated from elementary school and I just enrolled earlier. I don't really know if I will stop again since our vacation is only 2 weeks (it's unfair tbh-) but I'll try to keep you updated. Welp, that's all i wanna say and have a nice day or night, buh-byee.
          P.s. I'll probably start today since I might forget and lose motivation tomorrow.


Oof,  I meant *published*- I didn't realize immediately :')


@DSMP_fanXD just post it rn. It's 'How Stupid'


Omg...an a$$hole commented on one of my old books >:0


@PJTDCMARCH28  okay and I love the gods brother book can't wait for more


@joynerrt I'll explain to you, don't worry. Basically, someone commented on one of my old books and they were mocking me for my age because I kind of did an age reveal when I was still 10 yrs old so yeah-


Do I take a leap of faith and rewrite my old books?-


@PJTDCMARCH28  yes you will be better than ever


Ty for the support :>


@PJTDCMARCH28 Im not even planning mine soon. But good luck T-T