
A tiny spoiler of Heeki ive been slowly writing <3 
          	He had hard time making friends since nobody wanted to put an effort to make friends with a mute person. But its not like he asked to be born without being able to speak? He blamed himself so many times and spend nights crying in his bedroom hugging his duck plushie thinking if anyone would ever like him. He hoped things will change when he goes to school. Well...they didn't.


@ha_how_you_like_that hehh ofc it wont be sad since i prefer fluff! But there will be a tiny but of angst ❤️


@P0ek1e omg , really excited for this one , please make everything work or else our poor baby Niki will be sad ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ


A tiny spoiler of Heeki ive been slowly writing <3 
          He had hard time making friends since nobody wanted to put an effort to make friends with a mute person. But its not like he asked to be born without being able to speak? He blamed himself so many times and spend nights crying in his bedroom hugging his duck plushie thinking if anyone would ever like him. He hoped things will change when he goes to school. Well...they didn't.


@ha_how_you_like_that hehh ofc it wont be sad since i prefer fluff! But there will be a tiny but of angst ❤️


@P0ek1e omg , really excited for this one , please make everything work or else our poor baby Niki will be sad ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ


I've been slowly writing hoonki one shot heavily inspired by Slavic folklore and some songs and game Black Book <3 here is a sneaky peak from different sections 
          "Do you know the price of your desire?" the Sorcerer asks, his plump lips curving into a devious smile and his eyes filled with dancing devils.
          "Aren't you afraid of ending your life at the stake for your deeds?" asks the prince directly, wanting to amuse his curiosity.
          His hands grasping the herbs freeze and a chill runs through his body. Sorcerer turns toward him and his bottomless, cold eyes envelope his body with cold and his soul with fire. Sunghoon is so frightened that his body shakes, but the strange obsession fades as quickly as it began. Sorcerer turns away, slowly gathering the herbs he needs, leaving them on the wooden table. 
          "No, prince, I am not afraid, let me perish in the fierce flames and become ash, I have nothing to regret", the smell of herbs and incense in the air intensifies noise in his head. Sunghoon is stupefied and breathing becomes easier only after the boy goes into another room.
          "Ah, if he had known not to be wanted even at that cost," Riki shakes his head with a smirk on his lips.
          "He'll be back again,” the charcoal hairball says, jumping to Riki's feet. Sorcerer strokes the soft fur, running it between his fingers, and casts a glance out the window. The cawing of crows seems to be heard in the distance.


@Pumakiki haha thank you ❤️


@P0ek1e have no clue what that is, might do some research bcs this is so interesting!!!


Hii i really like your sunki books ♥︎♥︎ since it's really hard to find a dom sunoo one in every sunki story so i guess you're like my saviour ╥﹏╥ ♥︎♥︎ do you plan to write more sunki fanfic in the future? 


@mrs_koushi oh I answered but it didn’t mention you!


Hii! I have some more sunki written already on my account! You can check if you want and riki harem works! I mostly write only btm ki so everyone else is dom with him :) 
            Im happy you liked my sunki book ❤️ 
            In the future maybe i have some ideas but i dont have much time to write TT 


What happened to "Boys like you"? I can't find it 


@P0ek1e I'm excited to read it ♥️☺️


@Love_NishimuraRiki really? ill do some changes and post it again ♥


@Love_NishimuraRiki it was a perfect story Gurl  But, I think you're trying something new?  I'll support you ☺️♥️



@Pumakiki thank you cutie ❤️ luv you


@P0ek1e I loved it soooo much! Your writing is sooo good <33


Currently writing cute jayki historical abo  dunno when ill finish it but i enjoy it so far


@P0ek1e well I luv ur works so I know that uts gonna be great ><


@Pumakiki riki omega is the way ❤️ and yes there is not many jayki works uwu


I have so many ideas of what to write but i have no time and for some reason im too self conscious to post anything containing smut -_- 
          i wanna write something cute and fluffy but eh maybe when i have time :3 hopefully ill write valentines work this time not hoonki ahah maybe riki/all


@P0ek1e  I already like your idea my head is concocting a idea with aswell TT your very talented!! But Riki/all seems really interesting and I can't wait for it <3


@P0ek1e aww well hun write when you can! i completely understand being too busy to write rn (i haven’t updated new blood in far too long lmao) but take your time and i love the idea you have! luv you too my sunshine ❤️


@stardust_moonchild aww i luv you so much <3 you are my beacon of positive energy ♥ noo you not asking much :) i was thinking of something like they are friends but they all try to hide their feelings for riki but on valentines they decide to confess and riki is like :O how am i suppose to choose? hahah 
            and ofc one will witness someone elses confession to riki (like for example sun can see hoon confessing and jake can see hee etc etc) so it should be something funny and cute xD 
            but i dont know if ill be able to write :( i have 2 jobs now so its kinda hard for me ♥