
@RosesReality Hello! I am so sorry, I know I haven't updated anything in a long time. I've been busy with school and summer classes and things. I've really wanted to get around to writing some more and reading your things but I just haven't found the time! I've missed you as well and I hope I can get some stuff done so I can come back here :)


@RosesReality Hello! I am so sorry, I know I haven't updated anything in a long time. I've been busy with school and summer classes and things. I've really wanted to get around to writing some more and reading your things but I just haven't found the time! I've missed you as well and I hope I can get some stuff done so I can come back here :)


Elena! You haven't updated anything since December! And I miss you! Are you hiding under your invisability cloak?
          Because I'd still sure like to borrow it so I can hide from my mother.
          Come around to the page dearie; I miss seeing your user name.


@RosesReality Okay, so I think I'll do the contest but, yeah, I noticed the due date is tomorrow! D: It would be fantastic if you could extend it and I'll try to make my one-shot up to your standards ^-^
          I'm trying to decide if you're hinting at something.... but I'm still looking for it...here's hoping it's where I left it.