
I'm back b¡tches!!/jk love u all Xxx but I am back XD. soz took so long. ESPECIALLY SORRY TO LILDEVIL!!! LOVE U DARLING<333333




I swear these ppl at my school have problems, I cant wait to leave. Two days ago my guinea pig was going on for surgery bc she had something wrong with her and I was rlly worried bc I love her, then at the end of the day in the car park me and my mum were gonna go pick her up from the vets but my mum told me that she had a rlly bad illness and had been put down but we were still gonna go collect her, then yesterday at school I came in kinda quiet ofc but I was upset and my "best friend" was like "what's wrong?" she knew my guinea pig was going through surgery and she didn't know she had died so she said for a 'joke's "Did ur guinea pig die or smt?" so I said she actually had she just went " Oh, damn, bad luck" and walked off!!! Like what the hell!


4th part about my crush from school who I got into a fight with!!!!
          We became friends again and then he suddenly started flirting with me and I told him I liked him even tho he had a gf... He said that he wanted to kiss me but I said no bc ofc he is dating sm1.. And he didn't realise that was cheating somehow but we got over that and was still friends! Then a few days ago he started saying he was 'busy' and couldn't talk much and finally I knew he was ghosting me so I made a new snap acc and added him and then started talking to him and then he spoke to my new acc not knowing it was me so I confronted him and said that I was being annoying and I was so obsessed with him! and we had got each other presents! And then he said he didn't want it anymore bc it was from me and now he has blocked me- sooo yeah! and now me and my bsf have wrote a song about it!! (song may come out soon) so I am getting over him now, bc he may be pretty but he is a horrible person!


this message may be offensive
            Also what an asshole like damn how are you that blind to not see ur cheating?


This is the 3rd update for my crush who i got into a fight with...
          We had our call and he was belonging everything on me and I was talking about back ofc.. Then he had to go so after u tried to talk to him again but he kept ignoring me. So I was like '(Name!' and he said yes so I asked if we were still friends and he said.. "how abt this? We forget abt it so and become friends again, good?" and I was like okay!! And as a sorry he got me a pretty necklace and left it at my door :'')


@EggOnToast123 Honestly i wouldnt expect u too


I am so upset right now...
          Why didn't anyone tell me everyone leaves in the end. I have liked this boy at school for the past 2 years and we got into an argument 4 months ago bc his gf lied abt me and he believe her. And we become close friends again over the last 4 weeks. We have been talking on snap a lot and he called me pretty and said if he wasn't with his gf he would date me I was really touched cause I thought I found someone who cared about me... But over the last few days he has been really dry and rude to me. I confronted him and he said I was being dramatic. I was really hurt bc ppl have been quite mean behind his back over the last few weeks and I defended him and made ppl not like me in the process. Then I woke up this morning to find he has blocked me. Wow such a good friend, and I have my bbf who's school I am joining this year and he said I can always trust him but can i? Can u trust anyone?
          Sorry I just needed to get that out 


Everyone who is my friend on discord I am getting rid of it and talking a break from here. I will be on sometimes to check messages and respond but I won't be spending long periods on here. I have a lot of stuff going on irl that I am trying to handle, like moving schools, sorting out bullys, friends etc. And I can't handle being in social media rn. So I will be back properly when I feel I am ready


@Orionsound100 hope you have a great break while you're at it!


Read it all!
          I mean it!
          Read it all~
          If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who murdered you
          We are true friends
          We ride together,we die together
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me if you care
          See how many times you get this.
          I want you to know you're an amazing friend,till death and forever
          If I don't get this back,I understand.
          But I have a game for you
          Once you read this 
          You must send this 15 people
          Including me
          If you get at least three back, you're loved
          Nobody knows how important something is,until they lose it
          Tonight (right at 12.00am) the person you love will realise they love you
          Then at 1pm to 2pm,be ready to have the shock of your life
          If you break this chain, you'll have bad luck
          With love send this to 15 people 
          If you don't you'll turn ugly in one year
          A friend told me to do this so pass it on
          Tomorrow two boys/girls will ask for your number
          send this message 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a while year
          This is not fake
          Apparently, if you copy and paste this, you'll have the best day of your life!
          Good luck!
          Oh! And don't send this to a group chat!