
Why am I suddenly getting readers- I haven’t been that active on my account since like 2017-2018 tf-


Hi, I’m checking up on people I haven’t talked to in a while, and you were always really nice to me, how are you!


Really good! I accepted that I’m gay, and stopped lying about my heritage. (I was embarrassed that I was Latina and Native American because of people around me)


Omg, hiya! I’m doing great, hbu?


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there was a time where you had a picture of a dog and commented like a dog i guess??? one day you visited my profile and in response to "why are people subscribed to me" written on my wall?? you wrote "you smell nice that's why"
          back then i didn't really care, perhaps even found it a bit creepy, but now, everytime i see that on my fucking wall i laugh my ass off


I was just a weird kid, I’d legit go up to people in the halls and say they’d smell nice ahah. I’ve changed a lot, I’m a lot more sane now lol 