
Hey fellas! How've you guys been! As usual, I got pretty busy work related so it's difficult to continuously work on my ongoing story. But, I've got new inspo and also I think i'm getting some time off soon so I"d be able to work on few chapters. I already have a goal for the completion of the story "My Favorite Person", and plan to create a new one with a new couple. Reveal soon! Hope we all like them! They're super hot at the moment so I'm gonna guess many knows them! That's all for now you guys take care and update on new chapter soon!


@binnyshri I'm waiting for your updates...


Hey fellas! How've you guys been! As usual, I got pretty busy work related so it's difficult to continuously work on my ongoing story. But, I've got new inspo and also I think i'm getting some time off soon so I"d be able to work on few chapters. I already have a goal for the completion of the story "My Favorite Person", and plan to create a new one with a new couple. Reveal soon! Hope we all like them! They're super hot at the moment so I'm gonna guess many knows them! That's all for now you guys take care and update on new chapter soon!


@binnyshri I'm waiting for your updates...


Hi, good morning I wanted to ask you for permission to translate your story into Spanish if you take away any credit just that your story fascinates me and I would like to translate it so that other girls can read it more easily


@NikolMora051 Hi! Thank you for your interest in my fanfic. I would love to share my story to other people. But I wonder what you mean by take away any credit? Could you clarify pls?


Hey dear are you planning to update.... please update I am waiting.....


@binnyshri Hi, sorry I wasn't able to respond. Had been really busy and still have my exam coming up. so work and study... anyway, Also lost my laptop, but I'm gonna get back on my feet soon and will continue my unfinished chapter. I realy really hope to update soon... sorry again


Okay, I gotta say, I AM SO SORRY. For those who were waiting for my update. I really am sorry if it took a really looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. My hands are always full, I know not your business but please forgive my disappearance for a while. I'm already working on the new chapter and I hope to update two chapters so it may take a bit time, but if luck is on my side, I could finish up right away these two chaps... Thank you for those who are still with me on my book... Stay safe!


@OnlyVanVan05 I will wait....but please make it bit fast....


Oh my gosh this must be the longest time that I haven't updated. BUT, I'm finally free from one of my projects so I could get back to working on this book again. I'm so sorry again for the delay. I will be updating sooon.... Stay safe everyone!


Hi Loves! 
          Oh my gosh it's going two weeks now and I still haven't completed the next chapter. I am so sorry for the delay in update. I got held up with too much work these days. But please stay with me and the story, I will update that's for sure. 
          Stay safe y'all!


@binnyshri thank you so much, you're so sweet and understanding!


@OnlyVanVan05 hi dear...thank are all right..I start worried about you...and don't worry i still wait patiently for your next update.....


Don't know if anyone's gonna notice this, but just wanna let everyone know who have read my story, that the next chapter is still in progress and it's still a bit short, so I'm not satisfied yet. Therefore, please give me a little more time, hopefully this week won't be that busy so I can focus in writing the chapter. 
          Anyways, thanks always for your support and stay safe everyone!


Hello guys! This is not an update, I'm so sorry. I may not be able to make an update this week due to some personal stuff that I need to take care of, but I'm working on the next chapter. So please be patient with me and I hope you don't drop my story yet. Love you all! Stay safe always you guys!