
Anime truly is the only thing keeping me sane this year :)))) watch Carole and Tuesday 


I recently started and finished Castlevania and while I am still processing whatever the hell season 3 was, it’s becoming one of my favorite animes and I’m so excited for season 4 to come and give me some peace of mind. 
          Y’all who’ve finished season 3 KNOW what I’m talking about.


this message may be offensive
Thanks so much for 9k reads on my dumbass compilation of Wattpad comments. YAY!
          I’ve been stumped with that book because I lichrully don’t have enough brain cells to read (Wattpad or hardcover books) as much as I used to. If y’all could PM me your favorite comments I’d love to post it and credit y’all.
          And I promise my brain cells will mitosis themselves out of this stupor and I’ll be nice and active again. Goodbye and good day.


mother trucker dude


I read a book on this app years ago. It was like the ‘Euphoria’ of its time and it was set in Italy and there was a guy and his friend was a druggie and a girl showed up to prom in a tux?? The writing was so beautiful and it’s sucks that I can’t remember what it was called