
The day when Israel will have to step down and surrender the country they have tried to steal from Palestine for nearly 70 years, will definitely come. 
          	They will pay for the innocent blood they have spilled on the lands of the servants of Allah swt. 
          	Israel will pay for the fathers they have killed, the brothers they have taken, the sisters they have stripped off, the children they have orphaned and the mothers who have cried but blood for the loved ones that were killed in front of their eyes. 
          	There is no place for Israel, and there will never be. 
          	The neighbouring countries of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon have spoken and they will not tolerant the treatment of their brothers and sisters in Palestine and soon the Arab nations will unite and bring down the enemy of Allah swt. 
          	Israel may have the support and the miliary powers of the western countries by their side but their bullets, tanks, rockets and bombs are nothing but dust to Allah as he is the all mighty and the all knowing. 
          	My Palestinian brothers and sisters keep fighting because your freedom will definitely come. I pray every night for you're families to be safe during Ramadan and that Israel shall pay for what they have taken from you. 
          	I stand for Palestine and the rest of the Middle eastern countries that have been and still be tormented by the western countries. 
          	Free Palestine. 
          	Free the Middle East.


Thank you for updating “The villainess only wants to go home” !! I kept it in my library because I held on to the little hope that you would update it someday and I am so glad that I made that decision. Anyways I hope all is well with you and I hope you have a great day/night!
          -Hazel :)


@Hazel_102 hahah no worries,✌️ I'm just happy to be back as well. I know I disappeared for a whole year but I'm back now and ready to write, well kind of. Anyway I'm so happy you gave this story a chance and still held hope for it, I know a lot of people abandon it but I'm so happy not everyone did. 
            So thank you again and stay tuned for next update. 