
HEY beautiful people! I am back from vacation and who ever wanted their book covers will be getting them soon *Btw I went to California and it was beautiful*


Title: Dark Light 
          Description: Ella Nightgold is the last dark female vampire alive and she becomes the female guardian. The dark times come again with new surprizes and dangerous changes. (Not exact description)
          Theme: Dark, mysterious, dangerous, and serious 
          Picture: surprize me 


It's alright and okay 


@imabookfanatic awe I'm sorry but if you need anything feel free (:


I actually deleted my book a while ago so I don't need one but thanks. 


Hey Brooke!
          Okay so here's the deets, I suck at these things. 
          Title: Save Me A Spark
          Author: WeAreTheStraysxX
          Theme: Sad, Triggering, Depressing
          Picture: can you like combine multiple pictures?
          If you can can you do Kellin Quinn (you can search him up) with his anthem shirt. Next to Vic Fuentes (playing his guitar) 
          If you can't. Can you just put a picture of Kellin Quinn sitting in a stool with his guitar.
          Kellin Quinn is the new kid at school, and he doesn't want to mess things up this time around. But then he meets Vic Fuentes, the coolest kid in that school. At first, Vic doesn't Like Kellin but when he finds something out about his past, his whole perspective changes. 
          "Can you save me a spark? We'll light a fire that shines a light in the dark. Strike a match make it last, we are all we need. Will you save me a spark?" 
          Hey thanks if you can make this for me :)) 


Its fine.... and yea. Except for the username (its now @IAMATURTLEBRUH) everything is still pretty much the same!


@IAMATURTLEBRUH Hey (: still want it sorry for the late response. 


Hi Brooke!!!
          Ok I just started to write this book called 'Free' I know lame name but I can't think of anything else...anyway
          Would love for you to make a cover!!!
          Title: Free
          Author: Rouge2003
          Theme: Adventure, surprises, love, action
          Picture: girl with a bow and arrow but with unidentifiable  features (e.g. Hair colour)
          Description: it's 2030, worlds been destroyed by nuclear bombs. Only the strongest of the humans survived, Astrids and her little brother Austin are living in what used to be Darwin, capital city of the Northern Territory in Australia, fighting to stay alive, meets Lucas, fall in love, figure out why the earth was destroyed.
          Quote: Torn between keeping her brother alive and distancing herself from others and letting her guard down to feel safe again for the first time in 10 years.
          Think you can help me? I already have a cover but would love to see what you can give me!


Hi um well I actually already have a cover that I'm in love with, but I have a new book that I'd love a cover for if your willing? I can message you more information if you good to make the cover. 


@Rouge2003 Hey (: still want it sorry for the late response.


Can you make me a cover please;
          Title:red hair
          Description:a rather innocent girl falls for her not so innocent neighbour
          Theme:idk surprise me
          Picture:Michael Clifford(with red hair) 
          I'm willing to wait for as long as needed. Thank you 


Oh yes please! I did update the description did change but it's not a problem!


@radical_rayna Hey (: still want it sorry for the late response.


Would you mind making a cover for me? Thanks!
          Title: The Nerd's Dark Side
          Author: Shodinski 
          Theme: I guess dark, in a way
          Summary: Thomas is the ultimate school nerd-or so that's what everyone thinks. In his alone time, Thomas spends it with alcohol, marijuana, and he does every bad thing anyone could have imagined. No one knows about it. Not one. Until Gene came along . . . 
          Requests: you can surprise me


@Shodinski Hey (: still want it sorry for the late response.


Could you please do a book cover for me??  It's a Harry Potter like fanfiction set in Voldemort's school days. 
          Title- The Transfer
          Author- Fhluvr13
          Theme- both mysterious and humorous
          Synopsis- My name is Hazel Belle McKall. Well... That's what I was told to tell them anyway. My real name is Hazel Belle Gryffindor. And this is a story about how the heir of Godric Gryffindor met the heir of Salazar Slytherin. 
          Any picture is alright it's just maybe the colors could focus on Gryffindor (gold and red) or even could have a contrast with Slytherin colors(green and silver) but it's whatever's easier. I was also think maybe but like green/brown(essentially hazel :P) eyes (kinda like Great Gatsby book cover) with like curly brown hair around it and the gold and red in the background but honestly it is totally like up to you. I'm not real good with this kind of stuff :P thank you so much for even considering :) 


@Fhluvr13 Hey (: still want it sorry for the late response.


Hi Brook...Please would you mind creating a cover for my short story ?
          Title: Inside the Dark
          Description: Mainly black/dark cover, about a lost soul, who doesn't know he's dead yet! Hence the title. Ghostly skull  face, or whatever you can come up with.
          Authors name: Colin R Parsons
          Dark, sinister tale.
          If you can that would be brilliant.


@colin4parsons Hey (: still want it sorry for the late response.