
Yall someone from my school who knows my profile leaked everything 
          	I genuinely don't think I can live like this anymore 


@Ochixxx  Are you okay? Sounds like the people around you are pretty mean


Yall someone from my school who knows my profile leaked everything 
          I genuinely don't think I can live like this anymore 


@Ochixxx  Are you okay? Sounds like the people around you are pretty mean


Thanks for 30 followers ! didn't even realise that many ppl followed me 


           Do you ever feel like the friend whos just waiting to be used for something ? just a placeholder ? just a comfort friend ? just someone who's there if anyone has questions about another person, and never just about you , always about another person.? Its hard when 2 people do the exact same thing but get treated differently , one with more praise / comfort / attention. It isnt jealousy that sparks in the other person, its sadness. Sadness of being treated unfairly for absolutely no reason at all, especially if you dont want to be rude and tell your friends, because they'll class you as 'jealous' or a 'pick me' , when all you want is for society to understand that if youre praising one person for doing the same thing as another person, you should BOTH be praised but you'll be labeled if you speak up, so you just keep it bottled up until you cant take it anymore.
          I cant keep living this way
          It hurts
          It's hard
          I hate living like this 


@Pure_CreAm thank you so much (I have unfortunately left the cult but thank you) 


@Ochixxx if you need someone to listen/read/idk you can find me on both discord(you have mine right?)/Wattpad I'm not the best therapist or wouldn't have the best advice but I'll do whatever I can to make you slightly better :) if it helps, you are one of the best sisters from the cult (actual sane one, sometimes I wonder if I'm the most mature there) 
            (don't off yourself please)




lol, I struggled with the same thing so I had to type it out then copy it-


im getting bullied. i dont know what to do , ive already reported them 4 times,  but they are so rude to me. saying things like "oh dont show up to ____, you'll be doing everyone a favor" or "why are you pointing ? do you not have manners ? i didnt think so". 
          girls are meant to have eachothers backs but i am unsure what to do in this situation. sorry about the vent everyone.. still healing. <3


@Ochixxx Focus more on the happier stuff and try to ignore them. If you start overthinking try thinking about your friends