
im changins schools again. this is gonna be my 7th school. rip


Hello there, Aquamarine. Just stopping by to say thank you so much for following me. You're amazing for it ❤️ Always curious to know how people found my account and why they followed, so feel free to share  Haha, even if you don't feel like sharing, still, thanks so much for the follow. It means a ton to me ^.^
          - Cross


@Cross-Warrior i honestly dont remember


life is better without the internet. argue with me.


            Yeah, I agree. My screen time is practically non-existent cuz my mom doesn't want me to have to depend on it. I prefer IRL books and stuff to being online most of the time


@percanglo tbh i feel like the internet is a waste- waste as in to the people who arent able to create a balance. the human mind is very flexible, can be molded very easily. especially children. the internet creates an impact/imprint on their minds and many a times become toxic. now, im not completely against, but i feel like addiction, people online, stuff kids shouldn't see is a plus factor in declining mental health and increase in suicides . use the internet. but not excessively. i recently took a break and i felt so refreshed i felt like jumping over the clouds


You don't have to solve everything at once. you don’t need to jump ahead and organize your whole life. all you can really do is step forward and do the best you can today. and even when that is too much, it's okay to rest and just breathe.


Thanks for the follow! 
          Do check out my works if you have time.
          How r u, btw?


@Justbeingmeh206 I'm okay, too, ig
            School is exhausting 


@take_life_easy im good, just a little stressed, wby?