
this message may be offensive
Bro- TXT's new song is a fucking bop and no one can convince me otherwise 


Aight so, I keep thinking about this recently, but I gotta get this outta my system; basically, i get uncomfortable when I read gay fanfictions about how there are two characters and one of em is gay and the other is straight. Let's call the gay character 'A' and the straight character 'B'.
          The one thing that irritates me is when A tries to convince B that B is gay. And by this I mean that A is hardcore saying, 'ur gay, stop denying it.' it's just not right :/
          It's exactly like trying to make a gay character straight. The book has B's parents be homophobic as the A tries to convince B he's gay. Like srsly, stop.
          I mean, when that happens I just don't read it, but I'm just stating my opinion. 


I agree. Most people think that way. Like if A is gay B should be gay as well. I don’t think that works in real life. 


@OceanWail I mean, I don't mind reading Gay fics, it's just that type of plot isn't okay 