
Hello everyone. I have to apologize. I am super sorry that I haven't updated anything in like, ages but I have a reason. No I don't. School started in August and I guess that I got so caught up in my work that I forgot about you guys. Sorry about this and I will try and get more updates posted soon.


Hello everyone. I have to apologize. I am super sorry that I haven't updated anything in like, ages but I have a reason. No I don't. School started in August and I guess that I got so caught up in my work that I forgot about you guys. Sorry about this and I will try and get more updates posted soon.


Not posting for a bit due to being sick


@DerpyDerp87  Thank you! I will try to get better


            Hope you get better!!


Hello to all my lovely followers I just wanna say that I'm not gonna be online for a little while because of my dog   Had to be put down due to all this infection in her body and because of a heart murmur that was a 3 out of 6:00 in night is very very badd so I just wanna say that I'm not gonna be online for a little while I'm trying help my family do what this guy is an old bazaar time for my papa to go through because she was his dog so good night my lovelies




I can girls "bro" too .-.


@DaToasterIsDead uhmm I'm a girl tho. But whatever


Hello everyone of my followers. I will no longer be posting or updating my books. Sorry to disappoint all of you, but, my mom caused this to happen. I will be going to Wyoming soon and will be burning all of my stories as soon as I get the chance. Like I said, super sorry. For all 900 people reading the Master Splinter x Reader, I will absolutely, no longer post. That book was just a side project for me to read but publishing it got the better of me. I might be online, but, most likely not. Sorry for interrupting your sleep but I needed to tell you before I possibly delete my whole account and all of my accounts. Good night