
Next chapter has been posted. I did add a second warning for the story overall because it's going to be more effed up than I thought when I started :D


@GreenieTheFrog I'll attempt but the perfectionist is loud 


@ObsessiveWriter23 I relate to that, still  you don’t need to worry at all 


Next chapter has been posted. I did add a second warning for the story overall because it's going to be more effed up than I thought when I started :D


@GreenieTheFrog I'll attempt but the perfectionist is loud 


@ObsessiveWriter23 I relate to that, still  you don’t need to worry at all 


I'm working on a short story where I mention the Wii and I realized that there's people who were born after it came out. Mine is still alive at 15 or 16 years old. I refuse to believe there's people who exist that are younger than my Wii. It just can't be possible. The Switch cannot be anyone's first ever console. I was decked out with a DS, a Wii, and a Playstation 2 back in 2009 and you're trying to tell me there's people who were born in 2010? 


The next chapter is coming together nicely. Hopefully it'll be done by tomorrow and then I'm thinking I'll take a miniscule break to write the next short story. The short stories have been neglected long enough.
          I also added some songs to the Try For Me playlist. I'm curious if you guys have any theories on the story too.


Glad to hear one of us is making progress


Hello please enter as a judge or a participant oon the legend of bad batch awards by Zelda_Story_Teller u will get a lot of perm followd if u win


Finals have been passed and grades are acceptable with a few As and a B. But now that I have a break from being a student, I get to spend unhealthy amount of time writing Zelink. I'll get back to the short stories and of course Try For Me which has become the golden child of my writing apparently (not to forget the other stories I've promised you). I'm pretty excited. 


@GreenieTheFrog I get it. Google gave me the suicide prevention holtline a couple times while I researched for the both of us. It gets frustrating to say the least


@ObsessiveWriter23 I suppose you’re right, still, sometimes names which originate from these tales or something similar could be helpful, very hard to find information, especially when you just need very specific things 