
Oops?- sorry y’all I haven’t really been into writing lately. I’ll try to find my motivation to write again. But currently I have my wisdom tooth surgery tomorrow so not this week.
          	Thanks to those who’ve still stuck around somehow 


@ObsessiveCelestial hope the appointment goes well!


Oops?- sorry y’all I haven’t really been into writing lately. I’ll try to find my motivation to write again. But currently I have my wisdom tooth surgery tomorrow so not this week.
          Thanks to those who’ve still stuck around somehow 


@ObsessiveCelestial hope the appointment goes well!


I swear, I SWEAR, I’m still here, just been focusing on my channel and drawing more than writing. I have the next one shot written in my notes, I just have to tweak it a bit and finish writing it!! I’ve also just been very overwhelmed a bit for no real reason other then unmedicated ADHD, so- yeah ;v;


Posted a new oneshot story book for SaMS fans! It revolves our beloved mechanic; SOLAR!!!
          Please request what you’d like to read! I like to think I’ve gotten better with my writing so please let me know! I don’t currently have any other ideas so I’m counting on you all to give me ideas, suggestions and requests!


          I’m back. Not gonna write unless I plan to actually finish. So…
          I MIGHT do a oneshot book but I’m unsure.
          I will update my art book however! I’ve improved my art significantly since I last posted!
          I’m still working with perspective and poses but once I get that down… I will have the ultimate power.


Genuinely hate the new “your stories” feature. I don’t want to see the cringey and disgusting crap I used to read. There’s a reason I removed it from my memory and life. Damn. Tryna ruin my relationship with my parents AGAIN WP? Jesus… might as well just quit all together.
          On that note, I think I’m just gonna delete WP until I get a job, man. It’s not ruining my life but it gives me anxiety and if something gives me anxiety I really don’t think it’s worth keeping. So until further notice. This is my goodbye! My final post. My final hurrah.
          It was lovely being here for the most part! Please stay safe. Drink, eat. All that jazz! As soon as I post this… WPs gone.
          I hope to see y’all again! <3