- b o r d e r -


flower petals were blown by a certain plumped lips of a brown haired lad, his hazel brown orbs becoming chink as series of giggles slipped from his slightly opened mouth. the corners of his little mouth turned up and his pearly white teeth exposed,   “   more petals to come !  “  ruxiel yelled cheerily. he collected the once blown flower petals and put it into his arms, drawing his gaze around floria as he nodded to himself that it was a good idea.
          the lad threw the flowers atop his head, creating a beautiful scenario of white and purple flower petals shower. the sight felt like fairytale and he felt enchanted for the first time in his existence. he remembered all the good things he knew. the rainbows, kitties, puppies, ice creams, warm sweaters, dancing, action figures, his mother and his meteor staff—everything just felt really right and positive.
          his thoughts was immediately dismissed by the sudden sneeze not too faraway from his location. as wonpil turned his head; he caught the sight of a unfamiliar murian with an extremely noticeable petal of a flower atop their nose.  “    hello there, passing murian !   “    ruxiel greeted cheekily, waving his hands.


ꜥꜤ☁️ ⸼ starter !!
          it was a minute ago since chastity arrived in
          her favorite place, the library. as bibliophile,
          everyday, she borrows some literary to
          read or some academically books to boost
          up some knowledge of her. she's browsing the literature
          section and there's a girl/boy beside her, also
          finding some book to read. something caught her 
          attention and she's trying to reach the book that was
          too above to her, until... the shelves fall on the two and
          chastity was too shock to analize what did just happen.
          she pushed the shelf in front of her and helped the 
          murian to stand, " oh my god, im very sorry, i was just
          trying to reach the book, please accept my 
          apology, i didn't mean to do it !! " she apologize
          to the murian.


          surrounded by darkness, uncertainty ate a hole in yusei’s shaken soul. his nerves were tangled like a ball of christmas lights ripped off a tree. he clenched his pockets with clammy hands, fear flourished in his empty stomach.
          a nearby crow croaked, yusei in an instance unsheathe his rapier and scrutinized the environment. tall pine trees erupting from the ground in limitless supply. they were the pillars holding up the house of the forest.
          yusei’s ears perked up and followed ritsu’s familiar chirps stealthily. his eyes widened upon finding yoji on the ground, his wings flailed around and seemed to be unconscious. bitterness swelled inside him, his hands slightly shook.
          " must it be you?!" yusei suspect, eyes seemingly throwing daggers. " the one who knocked yoji senseless?"he added, voice hinting that he is enraged, his rapier had been sheathe before and yusei seems to be ready to go into battle any wrong words spouted by the ‘fiend’.


( please excuse my grammatical errors. )
          the candescent stars scattered across the somber sky, accompanied by the lucent orb called moon, were devana's source of light on her way to the forest. hidden by the earth, where the land was carpeted with green and at night, it mimics the darkness, there you'll see an unlock door and the white fire of stars as if they were seeds of light among the branches of the tall and vigorous trees.
          entering the woods, the forest breathes; the arctic wind welcomed her along with the caliginous atmosphere. the rustling of leaves have enchanted so many people yet why does it sounds so different at night? perhaps, for devana, it sounded more like a wail of lonesome ghosts who lost their lives.
          as she walked deeper into the woods, it made the forest look more enigmatic and outlandish but that didn't bother devana at all for there, she saw the heart of the forest already. holding her sniper tightly, she walked towards the center where she thought there would be fireflies but devana was wrong, instead, she heard someone asked, "did i scare you?"
          devana replied, "no not at all."


mrytle, startled, look at the female in front of her. she squinted her eyes. and her mouth formed a big O in disbelief. "hi!   you're one of the valkyries right?!" feeling giddy to meet a valkyrie in person which was rare. myrtle didnt noticed the gun in herhand. 


nailea jumped when a person suddenly appeared in her sight. "did i startle you?" the woman who suddenly popped out asked. she gave a smile, "you did but it's okay, hello!" she greeted. 
          her eyes landed at the gun she's holding, she gulped at the sight but then shrugged it off.


i blinked multiple times, registering on what just happened in my head. "did i scare you?" the female asked, but i find it more of an insult since the way she smirks at me. i composed myself and smiled back at her. "uhh yeah?" 


xenon yttri ziech is walking and wandering around. he's still confused as soon as he wake up in the world of mule. trees are everywhere, he's enjoying the view until someone popped out from nowhere. "ah shi--" he slapped his own mouth to stop him from cursing.
          still in shock, he scrutinize the person in front of him. the person is quite familiar to him, but because of the sudden headache he's suffering at the moment, he just shook it off. "uhh yeah, i almost fainted, phew!" he gulped as soon as he saw a gun. he's hoping that it won't shoot him at instant.