
we are never satisfied with what we own what we have and what we can have we are allways selfish and needy ...
          	we should enjoy what we have that others dont we should enjoy what life gave us and make the most of it not wasting time demanding things we wont have ;)


we are never satisfied with what we own what we have and what we can have we are allways selfish and needy ...
          we should enjoy what we have that others dont we should enjoy what life gave us and make the most of it not wasting time demanding things we wont have ;)


sometimes u think u  are all alone that despite the fact having tons of friends on facebook no one really knows u but then u take a look at ur family and u find them by your side no matter what..and u become grateful but guilty in the same time for even thinking of being alone..
          i love my family even though they are sometimes pushy and i hope everyone get to live in the warmth of one ♥