
Ykw because I'm getting all these new followers and I still have hope, I'm going to delete my Wattpad next Friday instead of tomorrow as planned. I really do appreciate all the support I'm getting but I want to remind y'all that I won't be using Wattpad anymore. Everything will be gone. You're welcome to check out my YouTube channel which I plan to focus more on going forward. If you wanna talk to me personally add me on Snap or Disc. All of this has been posted and in my bio 4 ur conveee. I can't wait for this new chapter in my life and I want y'all 2 join me. Thank U. 


Ugh Y aren't the emojis showing up


Ykw because I'm getting all these new followers and I still have hope, I'm going to delete my Wattpad next Friday instead of tomorrow as planned. I really do appreciate all the support I'm getting but I want to remind y'all that I won't be using Wattpad anymore. Everything will be gone. You're welcome to check out my YouTube channel which I plan to focus more on going forward. If you wanna talk to me personally add me on Snap or Disc. All of this has been posted and in my bio 4 ur conveee. I can't wait for this new chapter in my life and I want y'all 2 join me. Thank U. 


Ugh Y aren't the emojis showing up


Hello follow me , saqib


@younava08 i appreciate it thank u so much


@ NutMasterSaqib Sorry, I'm not your schoolmate.  but if you want to be friends you can


thanks for following back saqib


Evn tho my Watt will die, I'm returning to YouTube. I seem more successful there! 2 thousand subs!

          All SW and O'ssain crap will be edited out or deleted by Wednesday when I also die on Wattpad.
          Contact info:
          Discord - monkeyratsaq#2340
          Snapchat - saqfromsw2019
          Just 3 days left! I'll keep annoying y'all until the end. I want 2 reunite with my friends. Watt sux. Ttyl


This is a very slow death for my Watt. But hey, only 3 days to go until it's finally out of misery...
          I really hope I can get at least one old friend. Shalom? Tara? Lindsey? Anyone? I'm desperate to  talk just one last time at leasr...
          Corona ruined everything! I couldn't properly say bye bye. Oh well.


           Hi guys, it's Saqib! As yk, I'm finally killing this Wattpad account on Wednesday next week. I mainly used this platform to communicate with my middle school friends. Almost all of whom R no longer active. I'm in high school now and I've evolved a lot as a person. Staying behind no longer makes sense.
          If U wanna stay in touch
          Discord - monkeyRatSaq#2340
          Snapchat - saqfromsw2019
          One last reminder, I'm leaving Wattpad on October 5. If anyone, especially my friends, wanna talk to me, please do so B4 it's 2 late. Thank U 4 all the support U have given me.


I feel sooo bad. All my friends died on wp. I had a chance to talk to them when we were picking up yearbooks but I was really embarrasse bc my dad was around. Now it's too late and I'm lonely on wp. I made new friends and I am in touch with a lot of old friends...but wut's the use? I miss all my wp fries. I wish I could talk to them at least 1 last time. Pandemic sux :( Oh well I'm leaving wp anyway and we'll all die. Well I'm not suicidal don't worry. Anyways I would like 2 once more thank all o' y'all 4 being there 4 me. Good luk living. 


I swear it's annoying with the emojis. No 4 leaf clover so no good luk 4 me :(


Saqib again! I'm republishing my story "Kiss me," now known as "Updates on my life." MayB this will refresh ur memory. I rlly wanna stay in touch with y'all after I delete this account next month. I will share my snap and discord next Saturday.


Unrelated but apparently @nationalgeographic has a wattpad account. ‍♂️


Fr wut's wrong wit dis


That was supposed to be a shrug emoji but I can't edit messages. ‍♂️