
Um, hi! I'm Ashley and I'm 13, it took me awhile to get the nerve to write this but, I saw what you said about being bipolar and stuff, and I wanted to say if you ever wanna friend, hmu! I go through the same thing, and my dad won't admit I have depression and keeps making me get blood tests to try to explain the symptoms of my depression and anxiety, and being possibly bipolar,  and he just keeps saying it's hormones. Like he's been saying since I'm 8. I also came out as bi to my mom a year ago, I was in the closet for about five years, and I won't tell my dad because he's a severe homophobe and probably wouldn't let me talk to my female friends again. You're not alone, and I always can lend an ear!


@PotatoIzSour hey thanks. And I understand, I'm also 13. But the Bipolar part is so true.