
To anyone wondering sorry I dont update anymore I'm on holidays for 3 months in Europe and rarely have internet :) if anyone is interested a few people have continued this on, message me and I can show you!


Hi! I just discovered you and I am thouroughly confused because I seem to have this issue reading the bonus chapters on your channel. It seems that only one or 2 sentences show...Is this meant to happen? I would be so ever grateful if somebody would please explain to me what I'm doing wrong. Thank you~~


Please can someone post on Twitter about voting for silence breaking in the watty The fiction awards book. You can vote as many times as You want.  Just spam +1 in the comments where silence breaking is listed. 


Hey guys, nuffsa1d here :)
          Just curious, as an amateur writer myself, if I was to post some stories on this account would you guys be interested? I used to have a lot of stories on here from when I was younger and considering writing again! Let me know what you think! ( And yes, there will probably be storm and silence fanfiction :P )


            You should go for it


Hey. Just want to take a moment to appreciate what you are doing! I'm so happy every week when you update and it makes me even happier  and excited when I read the comments which give insights about the radish chapters. Keep doing the good work. Lots of love from India❤