
Hey everyone, All of my Books are currently Unavailable, My apologies I took it down for personal reasons and are looking to put them back up soon


I think it’s time for me to close some doors and reopen others. I’m back on Wattpad for the Time being. If y’all need me contact me, I’ll be here writing books❤️


@Monique363156 I have no Idea what you are talking about Ma’am, I don’t Write any Lisa X Rozonda, Or Tionne X Rozonda books


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I don’t know who need to hear this, But it’s time to clear your life of all yo friends. Friends are unnecessary and it is supposed to come to a end that’s why it’s spelled like that Fri’End’ no. I only have family, I have sister I have brothers but no friends. And even those fake people the still my family cause you can have fake ass family too, and you still allowed to cut them off but as long as you got that friend mentality some shit just ain’t gonna work out❤️


I have been thinking of making another book should I make it myself or do it with friends?