
Hey so I read your message on archertypes' account about going back and forth in a mystery/Thriller-psychological story and I have a story like that. If you want you could try it out. It's called "In My Blood" 


@PeterPan2210 thank you so much for reaching out to me ❤ i'll definitely check this out


I just read literally the first chapter of your book and I really like it. Most of the times, a books first chapter isn’t quite good which sometimes puts me off, but urs was amazing! I’m waiting for ur next chapters!!! Btw, I really want to make you a cover it’s ok if you don’t want to use it :) 


@Novu__ oh, then I m glad I read your book because it’s really good!!! And I’ll send u the cover through insta! Keep writing and never loose hope ❤️ 


@arcanusmin first off THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! It literally means so much to me because I was sort of beginning to loose hope and even thought of bringing this down.  but your comments literally made my day and i'll keep writing. 
            Secondly, i am honored that you want to make me a cover and please do. I'll use it for sure especially if this book hits some milestone and even if it doesn't i'll still use it!❤