
          Howdy there, Wattpadder! (I'm not sure whether this is a real word, but just go along with it :)) 
          If you are looking to read a book, and happen to loooove crime fiction, you are in the right place! (Or rather I'm in the right place. Moving on!) 
          I am currently writing a book called "Bells In New York" which is, you guessed it, a crime fiction. So, I would really appreciate it if you go ahead and give it a read (and a vote too if you are feeling generous. Maybe even a share if you are feeling even more generous.) And let me know your thoughts. I've included the link in case you want to check it out. 
          Looking forward to seeing you there!! 



You are officially my best wattpad friend, i love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, words cant express boo


@Lollipopsticle a toast to thank my new friend


My long lost food lover sister, please check on my new book Complicated, i would really appreciate,for the sake of the bond we share with food, thanks ;-)


@Lollipopsticle Well Happy Early Birthday! :)