
My Mafioso has updated! Extra long chapter to celebrate the end of the first arc! 


I’m never leaving the OFF fandom, I’ve been here for like 5 years and I’ll be here till I die.


"YASWMMD" Reached 1k! Im working on ALL of my fics rn, so expect a celebratory mass update! And the release of my new batterie fic! Hope you guys likethe bonus chapter to come. <3


@isucc4money slooowww progress. Taking a break from one fic to work on another, rinse and repeat, helps me stay creative and motivated!


"Mon chereie" is now complete, never gonna officailly touch it again, unless theres high demand for bonus chapters. But, with that, im finally starting on my next batterie fic! I hope to make it an interedting little AU that adds a little more to the OFF universe and diverges from its regular canon world. Finding freedom in off focs can be hard, but thats why its so fun to make them!