
I made another update to stuff we know about FB 3 if you want in case you wanted to check it out


Yeah that's such a cool idea though, I'll definitely consider it!


@Nosyniffler I don't really  mean .... The whole MACUSA Place ..... The cells where Tina is ..Like Tina is sitting : "The prophecy came true ."
          	  Suddenly the wall bursts and a large beast is in front of her..... And nope I don't exactly want revenge on the president ...But I would love to see Dougal turning invisible and troubling Tolliver and maybe Newt can break his nose


@NEO_INFERNO That's a brilliant idea, although I don't think that Newt would purposely let one of his creatures wreck the place because he doesn't want people to see his creatures as threats. Although it would be hilarious if when they're leaving with Tina, he left a billywig in the president's office or something lmao


Heya Niffler ! When is FB 4 Of yours coming out rush ..just curious


@NEO_INFERNO I am working on it, I'm just doing my research first to make sure that my story is "realistic" (fits in with the events of the time period). Not sure when I'll start to publish but it won't be in the first few weeks probably.


I made another update to stuff we know about FB 3 if you want in case you wanted to check it out


Yeah that's such a cool idea though, I'll definitely consider it!


@Nosyniffler I don't really  mean .... The whole MACUSA Place ..... The cells where Tina is ..Like Tina is sitting : "The prophecy came true ."
            Suddenly the wall bursts and a large beast is in front of her..... And nope I don't exactly want revenge on the president ...But I would love to see Dougal turning invisible and troubling Tolliver and maybe Newt can break his nose


@NEO_INFERNO That's a brilliant idea, although I don't think that Newt would purposely let one of his creatures wreck the place because he doesn't want people to see his creatures as threats. Although it would be hilarious if when they're leaving with Tina, he left a billywig in the president's office or something lmao


Hi everyone! I've published the LAST chapter of my Fantastic Beasts 3 book, will be working on Fantastic Beasts 4 (a sequel to that story). Go check it out if you want, votes and constructive criticism on the chapter or just the entire story are much appreciated.


heya niffler ! just read the chap..loved it!


@Nosyniffler onlty the part where Tina said Queenie is dead as I don't think the previous chap showed her dying but u said that u will take care of that in the next one so no issues from my side


@NEO_INFERNO That's great! Let me know if there's anything confusing you about it, I thought it was a bit messy


Hey, sorry it's been a few weeks since I've published. I've updated my book yet again so if you're interested it'd be great if you could check that out. Thank you!


@Nosyniffler thanks sis ..means a lot ...


What do you mean 'try character development' lmao you're actually so good at that. You keep in mind what happened before and how the characters interact from past experience. I'll do my best to update today and if not then tomorrow


@Nosyniffler Thanks a lot for votes and comments ..U made my day ... Although it's my first attempt in newtina or any wizarding world fanfic ..but I will improve and try character development as well also I can;t wait for your updates