
Hey guys... I haven't been writing a lot, for a lot of reasons. I'm really addicted to the guitar and drums, so that takes up a lot of my time. also school is really annoying with homework and such. Ill try to sit down one day and get as much done as possible. Thank you everybody once again for being a supporter! Also, remember to message me if you ever need a cover for your story!


Mark's thing is the ass-pat. He said it in a Rocket League video with Jacksepticeye. (Who you should check out because he is AMAZING)


I did see that episode, but he didn't make the asspat official.... also I do watch jacksepticeye, I just haven't updated my bio in a while. my fave is his GTA series


Hey guys... I haven't been writing a lot, for a lot of reasons. I'm really addicted to the guitar and drums, so that takes up a lot of my time. also school is really annoying with homework and such. Ill try to sit down one day and get as much done as possible. Thank you everybody once again for being a supporter! Also, remember to message me if you ever need a cover for your story!


HEY GUYS! 700 FOLLOWERS! I'm starting 8th Grade in the morning (it's 10:51pm) where I live, and I want to thank each and every one of you for such a number! Also, I would really love it if you would check out my humble YouTube channel, any feedback is appreciated! Thank you so very much!!!!
          ~HP101/Perfect Aim