A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Why don't you come get to know me? 

By the way, I suck at rhyming. But sometimes I just don't care (please reread that in PewDiePie's voice).

Hobbies ; Singing (mainly Ed Sheeran and Owl City), dancing while no one is watching, annoying my little brother, shopping, drawing and complaining.

I don't like to complain, but I mean... I do it a lot, so...

Television Shows / Movies ? ; Anything with Jennifer Lawrence or Brittany Robertson in it goes. Just kidding (although it /is/ true). I like ''Under the Dome'', ''The Walking Dead'', ''Game of Thrones'', ''Twilight'' and ''Riverdale''.

Favourite FanFiction Pairing ? ; I'm not sure. I mean I like a lot of fanfictions on here... I'd have to go with Daryl and Rebel from @fool_who_live's books. It's just so realistic and aiasjdaspawq.

Favourite Colour ? ; Blue.

Favourite Website ; Wattpad of course!

I won't be giving away anything else, for now.
  • Oz
  • JoinedJuly 4, 2013
