


this message may be offensive
@Normie_Therapist also stop fucking acting like I don't know, I do know. Im aware I was a horrible person and I've stuck to my word when I told you I'd improve after we broke up
          	  If anything it was the fucking relationship making me a horrible person
          	  I basically centered my life around you and it wasn't okay, it wasn't healthy and it made me like an overprotective parent. It took me almost the whole ass 9 months since we broke up just to get to a point where Im finally talking to my friends again, making new friends and attempting to heal from the shit YOU also put me through.
          	  I hate you but that doesnt erase what I've done and at least I can see that rather than blaming all of it on you and not taking responsibility for my actions.


@Normie_Therapist and trust me, 8 would've been so much more of a dick about this if it weren't for the fact I had some common sense to understand what I did was awful. 


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@Normie_Therapist listen elliot, thank you for apologising but I know the damage I've done and I do feel guilt from it trust me. But the thing is now that we're separate there's nothing I can do to fix that, and you aren't in the clear either. You've also affected me severely, I had a whole fucking panic attack over simply seeing anything to do with you plus this was made months ago and I'm truly sorry about that.
          	  As much of a surprise as it may come to you I still fucking worry about you and unfortunately taking to the Internet about your issues isn't going to help taking it to a therapyst will
          	  And no, realistically none of us have to be nice to each other. We've both been cunts to each other through that relationship and it should've never started to begin with
          	  I do hope you can get better, I hope you can heal from the damage I did but seriously and scencerely FUCK. OFF. 




this message may be offensive
@Normie_Therapist also stop fucking acting like I don't know, I do know. Im aware I was a horrible person and I've stuck to my word when I told you I'd improve after we broke up
            If anything it was the fucking relationship making me a horrible person
            I basically centered my life around you and it wasn't okay, it wasn't healthy and it made me like an overprotective parent. It took me almost the whole ass 9 months since we broke up just to get to a point where Im finally talking to my friends again, making new friends and attempting to heal from the shit YOU also put me through.
            I hate you but that doesnt erase what I've done and at least I can see that rather than blaming all of it on you and not taking responsibility for my actions.


@Normie_Therapist and trust me, 8 would've been so much more of a dick about this if it weren't for the fact I had some common sense to understand what I did was awful. 


this message may be offensive
@Normie_Therapist listen elliot, thank you for apologising but I know the damage I've done and I do feel guilt from it trust me. But the thing is now that we're separate there's nothing I can do to fix that, and you aren't in the clear either. You've also affected me severely, I had a whole fucking panic attack over simply seeing anything to do with you plus this was made months ago and I'm truly sorry about that.
            As much of a surprise as it may come to you I still fucking worry about you and unfortunately taking to the Internet about your issues isn't going to help taking it to a therapyst will
            And no, realistically none of us have to be nice to each other. We've both been cunts to each other through that relationship and it should've never started to begin with
            I do hope you can get better, I hope you can heal from the damage I did but seriously and scencerely FUCK. OFF. 