
          	I’m back! I’m alive, I think. But I just did something insane! 
          	I’ll just say I got a photo with someone I may fancy a lot. 
          	One of the greatest days of my life! 


Hello Readers, 
          I am currently in a tornado warning. I am very afraid. I guess wish me luck with this. Please. Power has gone out for a split second already. Rain is also really starting to pour down. 
          I love you all. See you when this is over. 


I’m officially 15!!!! 
          In honor of this day, I have a new part finally ready to post for all of you. I hope you enjoy it! And if not, I’ll do my best to try harder next part. 
          I love you all, and thanks for your support !❤️ 
          Your space-writer, 


          Sorry I’ve been off my account for so long. I plan to post more soon, but knowing me it might be later. I’m also getting my booster shot for COVID so I have that to deal with today. 
          Anyways, I hope you all have a great day/afternoon/night! 
          Your space traveler, 
          Non-Binary_SpaceGoo (It’s another title I am going with.) 


Hi Friends, 
          I’m in the van with my family on the way to Orlando. 
          I haven’t told you yet, but I’m going to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. 
          I’m planning to work on fanfic, draw, read, and if possible watch anime. 
          It is currently 4:12 am right now, and I’m wide awake. All I had was maybe a 4 hour power nap. 
          Btw I have a TikTok and YouTube if you wanna check it out. I only have a couple videos on YouTube. 
          - Sleep