
I twisted my ankle. It got slightly better, then I tripped and sprained it on the other side. Same ankle. Now I have to use crutches because of how bad it is. 
          	I. Am. So. Done.


hey are you still writing the sequel to halloweentown? i loved the first book and love love halloweentown!!


thats okay no rush x


@MadisonMayHunt I am, it is just taking WAY longer than I expected to fit Melanie into the story. Thank you for reading, btw!<3


Deleted the last message because I figured this way would be easier. Anyway, this is about my Halloweentown book sequel. I knew I'd be working into November but December too? Oh well, I'm going to do the whole series no matter how long it takes.
          This is for my tiktok account, follow me on there, and it's a video about the Halloweentown 2 book I'm working on. So, go check it out! 
          Love interest is revealed, see if you can guess who it is. It's not Luke, sorry.



I doubt anyone will actually see this or care, but as it is officially spooky season, my favorite season, and I love the Halloweentown movies, I decided to write fanfic about them. And I will publish the whole series as books, eventually. 
          Sorry about the wait on my HP story, but I'm facing writers block on that. 
          So, Halloweentown fanfic it is. Eventually!