
Uh...hi y’all...been a while since I’ve been on here haha. Since I’m halfway through college now and not a sophomore in high school, would any care for a new story?


Currently virals trash, if you haven't read the virals series by Kathy reichs then you need to get on that pronto! I'm a junior in high school this book series has been with me and throughout high school I encourage you to read the 5 books and the little short stories.


Gonna make a new story fully then give you guys an update every week. Does that sound good???


            It's been a hot minute since you've said this...
            *squints at screen.*


Btw I have to ask, does anyone like my other story???? I think it's called the art of law well look at me not knowing my own title anyways can someone say they like it if not I won't continue it if anyone doesn't like it 


@Nobody12334 Actually I'm kind of interested in where that was going,  so I would prefer you to continue it. :)


*puts on shades* my time has come
          STORY IDEA: 
          An AU. This could be any ship or maybe even a original idea, I don't care.
          (but if your gonna do it a ship I would prefer usuk or hetalia related)
          In this world,  there is said to be a king that is colder than the snow on the ground. He wears a mask to hide his face, and he rarely comes out of his castle on the hill. He is said to be immortal and bound to the land he rules. (Though he really is an awesome king, there isn't any debt or famines and stuff)He makes his servants do all the dirty work for him. The only reason he comes down from his palace is to go to a deceiving little town below. When he does,  he always says a servant has died and requests a new one by tomorrow. He let's the town decide who it may be.
          The person they choose is named let's say Bob, who is somewhat abused by his mother and younger siblings. He has to do all the cleaning and errands and what not. He's always being called useless, but in reality is the best of all these bitches. So, they send him off with little to no farewells.  When he gets there, he meets the cold king, and let's just say it doesn't start off well. But they're relationship grows as bob stays close to the king as a personal servant, learning more about his past and why he wears that silly mask. Bob becomes friends with the other servants and learn why they were sent here by the town and stuff. 
          The king and bob eventually fall in love, but a main point should be when bob finally gets the king to take the mask off. If you need some more details you can message me. 
          Anywho I like your style of writing so I thought it would be cool if you wrote this. :)


@maybe_a_loner now that I think about it, it would make a pretty good rochu or ruscan fanfiction