
Hey ! so I’m trash hahaha and stopped writing (again) cause I hate myself lol but I’m back (maybe) so keep an eye out :) 


I am a firm believer of things happening for a reason. so I'm sure my depression and anxiety hit me so hard to teach me something, to make me stronger. I feel stronger, and I feel like I'm a better person. I'm still not 100% okay but I'm better than I was yesterday and that's a start. My road to recovery has been a long one and I haven't even been able to think about writing, which has been torturous. but I am ready to get back into it, I hope I didn't make y'all hate me with just dropping off the face of the earth, but, I'm back now, and like i said, I am a firm believer of things happening for a reason. expect something soon


Hey guys... so I have an explanation as to why I've been absent from wattpad lately and that's got to do with everything that's been going on for me right now. It's all very complicated but I'm pushing through and trying super super hard to start something new. Thank you for your ongoing support!