
Thanks a lot for legitimately blasting my notifications, made my day. :)
          I hope you liked my book and once again, thank you so much! 


Yeah, again I saw my spammed notifications and thanks a lot for that. I’m really happy you like it so far ^-^


@fizuzu hahaha, you are welcome. I realy like your books. I'm still in the beginning of the second book and I like it so far. :) 


Hi, and thanks for vote-bombing The Dragon Chase. Believe me, it's the kind of thing us authors do a happy dance over. 
          (And I'm grown man. I'm not allowed to do a happy dance in public. I also can't dance, so it doubly applies)
          And since you reached chapter 21, well, welcome to why I called it 'The Dragon Chase'. 


Gracias por votar en mi historia "Rbd por siempre" te invito a leer mi otra historia no es de rbd pero creo que te gustara "Mi propia familia"


@CristalNegrn De nada :) yo siempre voto en las historias y capitulos que me gustan porque no soy muy de palabras voy a leer :)