
Holy Moly guys, I'm so sorry for the long wait on a new chapter for NLOP, school as taken away all the time for writing I have, and I'm terribly sorry, please don't give up on the story! I just started with new tough subjects in Chemistry and Physics  so please bare with me :c 
          	I'm not giving up on NLOP, I repeat I'm NOT GIVING UP. 
          	Again, please forgive me for been such a bad updater, just know I have a life outside Wattpad and studies come first.


Nikita por fin te conoci en persona deberias agregar a tu bio que eres muy lista ;) no dabia que ya habias publicado historias. Las leere cuanto antes


@anitaisabel Si yo perdí un poco el foco en mi historia tengo que editar profundamente todo y pensar bien y no escribir por escribir 
            Pero si leo mucho hajahahah


Me pasare cuando pueda. Si te entiendo y no te culpo yo habia dejado mi historia tirada hace mucho pero estoy a nada de terminarla y ya tengo ganas de subir de nuevo


@anitaisabel graciiiaass, me voy hacer auto publicidad y te recomiendo New Life Old Past 
            La he dejado de escribir por un rato ya que soy senior y la educación va primero 


Holy Moly guys, I'm so sorry for the long wait on a new chapter for NLOP, school as taken away all the time for writing I have, and I'm terribly sorry, please don't give up on the story! I just started with new tough subjects in Chemistry and Physics  so please bare with me :c 
          I'm not giving up on NLOP, I repeat I'm NOT GIVING UP. 
          Again, please forgive me for been such a bad updater, just know I have a life outside Wattpad and studies come first.


OMG! my name's nikita too..I think girls name nikita are coolios..just kiddding..You knw I have many characteristics like you....Iam also weird and do not fear to say it...I love inyuasha(He's sooo cutE!) I have also love strange food like jam with nuggets..:) Hope to get to know about you more..followed you pls follow back Nikita.............( Sorry for the frightening long message)