
Will this be seen? Most likely not considering I have no followers because I'm literally doing absolutely nothing.
          	But I'm considering on making an art book! Why you may ask? To show off my art! Not in a rude way, of course. I just wish to know other people's opinions on it! 
          	Will I also make a sanscest oneshots book one day? Possibly, though I'd need a lot of inspiration. That's where roleplays come in! Those tend to help give off motivation for some writers to, well- Write! It gives them ideas that they never thought of before! Yes, you can get inspired by roleplays that aren't your own. Does that mean copy it from word to word while only adding minor changes? Maybe, maybe not. Though, you should commit to your own writing style in order to suit your liking! You can also add more details when writing it just based off of a roleplay you're doing or seen!


Will this be seen? Most likely not considering I have no followers because I'm literally doing absolutely nothing.
          But I'm considering on making an art book! Why you may ask? To show off my art! Not in a rude way, of course. I just wish to know other people's opinions on it! 
          Will I also make a sanscest oneshots book one day? Possibly, though I'd need a lot of inspiration. That's where roleplays come in! Those tend to help give off motivation for some writers to, well- Write! It gives them ideas that they never thought of before! Yes, you can get inspired by roleplays that aren't your own. Does that mean copy it from word to word while only adding minor changes? Maybe, maybe not. Though, you should commit to your own writing style in order to suit your liking! You can also add more details when writing it just based off of a roleplay you're doing or seen!