
Hi everyone! 
          	I've been on Wattpad for nine/ten months, and now I feel like it's time for me to take a break. I'm writing this to give myself a note of finality so that I don't come back here, and that it's final for me. 
          	I came to Wattpad as a lost girl who had no idea what she was doing. I had lost my friends, because I had to go to high school somewhere else, but really, they turned out not to be my friends at all. And that broke me, it really did, and it left me feeling alone and depressed and sad. 
          	For years, I tried to find someone, anyone, to be my best friend. And now, years later, I finally have realized that my best friend has always been there. This may seem cliche or boring, but I realize now that the only person who would really listen to me, guide me, and protect me is God. 
          	At one point in my life, I think that while I did say that I followed my religion, my heart wasn't in it. I think that it's because I was too broken, too angry at the world to realize why this was happening to me. Getting into Wattpad made it worse, because I spent too much time here and not as much dedicating my time to my religion. 
          	Recently I got into searching things up about my religion, and it's just so amazing that it made my eyes open a little more wider than before. And now I'm determined to actually do this right—and I will start by cutting myself off of distractions and things that could make me stray away from my religion. 
          	I'm really sorry—but to me, especially now, religion is important, so I'll be gone—but I might come back, maybe in a couple months or a year—who knows? 
          	Wattpad is a distraction that has taken up my life these past months, and so I will be getting as far away from it as possible. Please understand why I'm doing this, and why I won't be continuing my stories until *if* I come back.
          	(I'm not deleting this account because I have a strong attraction and endearment for my stories)
          	For the last time (but perhaps not forever), 
          	Lyn <3


@NightingaleSong6 NOOOO LYN i'm gonna miss youuuuu (but like not really because now i have other ways to contact you *muahahaha*) 
          	  hey, i get it. I haven't been on wattpad nearly as much lately either, and i'mma take a summer break, so good luck to ya!


@NightingaleSong6 Good. I was already asking my unicorn to fly to you and steal your head... And arms... And legs... And torso... And everything in one piece 


@NightingaleSong6 ohh, that's a relief! Wattpad won't be the same without you, dearest Lyn, my friend.


Hi everyone! 
          I've been on Wattpad for nine/ten months, and now I feel like it's time for me to take a break. I'm writing this to give myself a note of finality so that I don't come back here, and that it's final for me. 
          I came to Wattpad as a lost girl who had no idea what she was doing. I had lost my friends, because I had to go to high school somewhere else, but really, they turned out not to be my friends at all. And that broke me, it really did, and it left me feeling alone and depressed and sad. 
          For years, I tried to find someone, anyone, to be my best friend. And now, years later, I finally have realized that my best friend has always been there. This may seem cliche or boring, but I realize now that the only person who would really listen to me, guide me, and protect me is God. 
          At one point in my life, I think that while I did say that I followed my religion, my heart wasn't in it. I think that it's because I was too broken, too angry at the world to realize why this was happening to me. Getting into Wattpad made it worse, because I spent too much time here and not as much dedicating my time to my religion. 
          Recently I got into searching things up about my religion, and it's just so amazing that it made my eyes open a little more wider than before. And now I'm determined to actually do this right—and I will start by cutting myself off of distractions and things that could make me stray away from my religion. 
          I'm really sorry—but to me, especially now, religion is important, so I'll be gone—but I might come back, maybe in a couple months or a year—who knows? 
          Wattpad is a distraction that has taken up my life these past months, and so I will be getting as far away from it as possible. Please understand why I'm doing this, and why I won't be continuing my stories until *if* I come back.
          (I'm not deleting this account because I have a strong attraction and endearment for my stories)
          For the last time (but perhaps not forever), 
          Lyn <3


@NightingaleSong6 NOOOO LYN i'm gonna miss youuuuu (but like not really because now i have other ways to contact you *muahahaha*) 
            hey, i get it. I haven't been on wattpad nearly as much lately either, and i'mma take a summer break, so good luck to ya!


@NightingaleSong6 Good. I was already asking my unicorn to fly to you and steal your head... And arms... And legs... And torso... And everything in one piece 


@NightingaleSong6 ohh, that's a relief! Wattpad won't be the same without you, dearest Lyn, my friend.


PMs have disappeared for me :,(


@Fanficthor Aight, I think it's time we ride out. Meet me there, will ya? XD


@The1Sxge Deffo
            I'll get those dynamites just in case we need leverage 


@Fanficthor Im getting the shotguns


In science class: 
          Me: *just sitting alone in the front row, computer open and completely laid back, staring at my assignment on the screen with a pack of Sour Patch Kids and munching on them* 
          Also me: *listening to my friends behind me talk about the Magic school bus and people freezing to death on Neptune* 
          Teacher: *staring at me and then whispers* Haidlyn 
          Me: *looks up* yeah? 
          Teacher: I have a very important question for you 
          Me: *panics and points at myself, my eyebrows scrunched together* me? 
          Teacher: yeah … 
          … can I have a Sour Patch?


@NightingaleSong6 Nicee, I like that teacher 


@Fanficthor apparently it’s her favorite candy ever. She’s so sweet, she even asked which flavor I hated and whatever flavor I said she would take it. I told her that I liked every flavor so I didn’t really care and she was like, “so you won’t mind if I take any?” and I was like, “of course not, take whichever you want”


          I was looking at "I'm Always A Text Away" and I noticed that the last chapter I wrote is actually due to come out tomorrow. I actually didn't realize and right now I don't have the time to write more chapters—will make a little more sense in my A/N in chapter 11, but I'm not gonna be home this weekend and I've got a gazillion assignments due soon that I really need to do well in because they are 30% of my entire grade. 
          I'll be writing, though! I'm thinking I'll either 
          A) Write chapters over the course of a month or so and schedule them to come out every two days like last time or 
          B) Write chapters and publish them when I'm done with them. 
          I'm fine with either, so what do you think? A or B? 
          See you all later! Love y'all, 
          Haidlyn <3


@NightingaleSong6 A or B, not rlly sure. It's your call!


@DisneyxLovey I like B but whatever works for you and doesn't stress you out too much is good


All the best in completing your assignments!! I’d personally go with A hehe but it’s totally your call on which seems a better pacing x)


It’s snowing and weather forcasts are saying it’ll snow overnight, meaning there might be a snow day and no school… 
          Crossing my fingers, I don’t want to go to school tomorrow—


@austeries_sage oof…it’s not as nice as you think it is sometimes, though. Sometimes you freeze so bad that your hands turn blue, and not even a heater can properly warm you up. Today was okay, though! Just a lot of hail hitting my face XD


Hi, everyone! 
          I sent this a couple days ago, but I don't think it actually posted (which is strange because I posted it twice?) 
          Anyway, I just wanted to let my "I'm Always a Text Away" readers that updates will continue on April 5th-6th, depending where you live. 
          I've written chapters four, five, six, seven, and eight and am currently in the process of writing chapter nine, but I thought you guys would like to see what I've written so far! 
          Can't wait to see you in "I'm Always a Text Away" on April 5th/6th! 
          Haidlyn <3


          I'm currently in desperate need of chemistry help :,) so someone please help me? 
          Anyway, so I noticed that in ionic bonds some of the chemical formulas have these symbols with them, like (II) or (IV) and etc. What does that mean exactly? When do you use them? 
          Like, here's an example: Manganese (II) iodide. Basically, I want to write a chemical formula for this using the crisscross method, right? 
          So here (in the answer my teacher gave me) manganese has a charge of 2+. Iodide has a charge of 1-. Crisscross, and you get MnI2. 
          Okay, I get that. But where did Mn2+ come from?? 
          This has always confused meeee T-T


@Roni9514 I thought it was a Will and Alyss thing, hehe


Purpose. Everything has one. Nothing in the heavens or the earth or inside of me or inside of you is created without a purpose. No event in your life, no sadness, no delight, no pain, no pleasure, no loss, was created without a purpose. So just as we must read the 'message inside the bottle' of the sun and the moon and the sky, so too must we examine the messages in our own life experiences. We are always looking for signs. We are always asking for God to 'speak' to us. But those signs are all around us. They are in everything. Your lord is always 'speaking'. The question is whether we are listening. If we can look beyond and through everything that happens to us, everything we do-or fail to do-and see our lord, then we will have gotten the purpose. When something happens that you love, be careful not to miss the point. Remember that nothing happens without a reason. Seek it out. Look for the purpose lord created in what He has given to you. What aspect of His Essence is He showing you through it? What does He want from you? Similarly, when something happens that you dislike, or that hurts you, be careful not to get lost in the illusion created by pain. Look through it. Find the message in the bottle. Find the purpose. And let it lead you to glimpse just a little more of Him.


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman Jazakallahu khayran ❤️ This really made me feel more positive about life…thank you so much :) 
            I’ve been trying really hard to get closer to Him, and sometimes I feel like Shaytan always gets in between, but inshallah I will become closer to God as I keep trying my best to be the best Muslimah I can be. 
            Thank you again ❤️❤️


Hey! Just dropping in here to tell you that I love your stories.


@Stardust_in_the_Sea lol, personally I think that the ideas that you get at night when you're trying to sleep are actually the best ones. I think it's because you're resting and you can let your mind get away from your busy life and into a new reality...
            I can't wait to see what you have in store for Ichor!!


@NightingaleSong6 Thanks! I'm honestly surprised anyone read  my bedtime ideas. And I'm also going to continue on with it for a short story bc I'm not ready to leave it behind yet.. hehe


@Stardust_in_the_Sea I read Ichor, and I liked it a lot!


What do you do when you’re so tired about the life you are living? 
          What do you do when you just really want to give up? What do you do when you wish you were years from the age you are now, just to escape the reality you’re in? The names you’re called? 
          What do you do when the only thing you do is cry these days? What do you do when you can feel that stone in your heart that drags you down? 
          What do you do if you can’t escape? If you’re trapped, and you can’t run away? What if you’re not brave enough? 
          What do you do when the people you are friends with don’t really seem like your friends? When they forget about your existence or don’t keep you in mind? Those people you cared for not caring for where you’re allowed to go and where not… 
          It’s a full circle. One depressing thing leading to another, to another, to another forming my life. I’ve tried, I really have. I’ve cared, I’ve loved, I’ve been the best I could be. 
          I’m tired. I really am.


@NightingaleSong6 Hey sis! I saw this earlier but was busy… Hope you’re feeling better now. I see you, dear, I see your struggles, and I see your efforts, and I see your exhaustion. You’re doing such a good job holding yourself up, and it’s alright to feel tired, and seek support from others ❤️ Here for you if you need a listening ear or a safe space, keeping you in my prayers that you’ll get past this ❤️ 


@NightingaleSong6 JUST IGNORE IT.
            I feel exactly the same sometimes. But running away from Life's problems just show that you're weak.
            But you're not, are you?
            You're strong. You're brave. You are your own warrior.
            But it's alright to feel that way. You should not let it weigh you down though.
            Life sucks, and it's a cruel sea that'll never stop throwing waves at your boat. But if you brave the storm, you earn good rewards. Buried treasure.
            So continue with life. And there are other people who'll stay by your side ☺️


            Continue on
            Continue on, Continue on, Ignore them
            Continue on, Ignore it
            Improve where you are, Maybe it's because you have a purpose, You truly are (That is why you've continued on) 
            You have to read in between the lines and find out if your feelings are true, Maybe they had a reason and maybe they didn't, I think I understand what happened now
            It's okay. Life does suck and it's depressing and hard and it's always trying to pull you down, I won't disagree with that. You just have to keep continuing, you have to make sure that you don't let it pull you down. Hurting and doubts is what makes you human and overcoming them is what makes you a better one. 