
Created a new account, dedicated only for Original Works. So far I only have the prologues out. So...don't expect much yet. 
          	Thank you for listening to this message.


Fun Fact: The coca plant is not even that harmful, it's actually like a really cool spice. I once had candy that was made from sugar and coca leaves from an airport. Guess what, it's cocaine content is between 0.25% to 0.77%! NOT EVEN 1% OF IT IS COCAINE. SO YOU NEED ABOUT 200 LEAVES TO GET 1% WORTH OF COCAINE. THAT'S LIKE 500 CANDIES!!!!


Lelo Ledung 
          Tak lelo…lelo…lelo ledung…
          Please hush, don’t keep on crying,
          My child with a lovely face.
          If you cry, you won’t look as beautiful.
          I pray that you can live honourably,
          Be a woman of high importance,
          Bring honour to your parents’ name,
          Be a warrior of your country…
          Please hush…my child…
          There, the moon is full,
          Like the head of a scary giant,
          One who’s looking for a crying child.
          Tak lelo…lelo…lelo ledung...
          Please hush, my beautiful child,
          I am carrying you in a sling.
          If you keep crying, you’ll make me nervous.