Hiya! It's NigellaCat! So... this account is being worked on (No idea how to use it XD) so if you want to see my stuff, mayyyybe follow me on Tablo or Quotev! I'm under the same username on both sites and Iit'll just be easier for the both of us.
So if anyone can help me figure out how to post and work Wattpad that would be AMAZING.
So a bit about me, I've recently been in a rough situation involving a 'friend' and a psychopath so I'm a bit skittish.
I LOVE cats, I'm a Potterhead and altogether, I'm pretty shy.
Again, if you could help me figure out Wattpad (I work on Tablo, so... I'm not used to this, heh...) you would be a lifesaver.
Okay I'm gonna bounce, you've probably read enough! Cya~!
~Love NigellaCat xox
  • I'm lost
  • JoinedNovember 3, 2017
