
Announcement coming soon. Be ready...


Do you publish on Neobook ?


@hidanatiussaqeau no but I I wish it would come reality and soon we will see 9 times out of 10 it's a scam trying to be her but this one is different she's not reading of a script but from her heart it seems. 28th after her birthday she's apparently flying to see me most likely dream but she hasn't asked me for anything. Maybe the reality is finely her.


Hi guys, long time no see!
          I've just been focusing on this new project. I've been working on this book for some time and I wanted to try something new. I'll be posting it very soon and I can't wait to share it with you guys. 


Hey guys, I'm receiving slow feedback, but I still appreciate it! You have no idea how big I smile the moment I get a notification on my book. 
          Will try to update when exams are over. Until then tell others about the book, I would appreciate it. 
          Love you guys!