
| DCIG Theory (ft @PoodleOwl) |
          	Everyone knows that Doodle Champion Island Games was created to celebrate the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (which takes place in 2021). Environmental evidence (such as the willow trees in Bridge Garden) also points out that the event takes place in around July-September, similar to the real-life event.
          	However, there is an evident lack of technological advancements on the island, and instead there is magic, disco balls, and a neon-light city without flashing ad boards. Because of this, it is safe to assume that the Games actually took place sometime around the 1970s (which is the age of disco, right after the age of neon lights) - specifically, 1972. This is the year of a Tokyo Winter Olympics in real life, although it actually took place in February instead of August.


| DCIG Theory (ft @PoodleOwl) |
          Everyone knows that Doodle Champion Island Games was created to celebrate the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (which takes place in 2021). Environmental evidence (such as the willow trees in Bridge Garden) also points out that the event takes place in around July-September, similar to the real-life event.
          However, there is an evident lack of technological advancements on the island, and instead there is magic, disco balls, and a neon-light city without flashing ad boards. Because of this, it is safe to assume that the Games actually took place sometime around the 1970s (which is the age of disco, right after the age of neon lights) - specifically, 1972. This is the year of a Tokyo Winter Olympics in real life, although it actually took place in February instead of August.


Just for my peace of mind, I've decided to copy everything I've written so far on Wattpad into Google Docs.
 Lucky book hit 170k words and 410 pages.


I could never write that much 


@NickelBeryllium Wow that's about double mine—


| DCIG fact of the day #16 (ft @PoodleOwl) |
          Yoichi is a Japanese name common for the 11th son. According to the legend, the Yoichi we know (Nasu no Yoichi) does have ten brothers, but none of them were as accomplished as him. There are little to no records of their lives or achievements.
          As DCIG Yoichi seems to live alone in the fortress of the Northwest Docks, it is unknown whether he does have those brothers like in the legend, and whether he keeps in touch with them in any way or not. Perhaps he does write to them, but this detail was never mentioned in the game.


Wattpad has been going crazy in my place the past few days, so it took me a while to actually get on the app.
          Good news is, my health seems to be recovering well! Thank you for your kind words on my last announcement.
          On that note, I also managed to finish the lastest chapter of MCA. Check it out!


I'm not feeling so well... Gotta be on sick leave for a while. Will be back with the newest (delayed) chapter of MCA soon.


Take a break :3
            Your readers def dont mind (I think)


@NickelBeryllium Oh nuuuus~ :(
            Get well soon Nickel! Health is more important than writing.


I would like to think that Momo and Lucky are somewhat the mirror of each other, having something to learn from the other. For example, Momo is distrustful, which makes it hard for her to grasp chances, while Lucky is too believing that she can be used (she's not stupid, but she believes too much in the good of others); Momo often dwells on the past and gets lost in her own mind, while Lucky focused on the present and keeps pushing onward (in other words, she rarely ever looks back). Their admiration is mutual, but Momo often thinks rather lowly of herself and Lucky gets easily embarrassed.


MCA is reaching the 10 chapters point soon! It's like, one fifth of my plan? Good enough, if you ask me. I'm hoping to finish it in two years (like DCIG), if not, I want to at least finish the MCA1 arc by this Halloween (in case Google decides to make a part 3)
          Let me know your thoughts on this book so far!


@PoodleOwl Thank youuu! I'm actually glad I can finally write something with an impression of my own. I never expected it to be the dramatic, deep-dive type (I used to think I could write comedy, but turns out my sense of humor is terrible), but I'm happy with the outcome! Thank you for your review!


@NickelBeryllium I swear I can recognize your deep writing style anywhere, really :D
            And no need to worry, you write the book beautifully! <3


| DCIG fact of the day #15 (ft @PoodleOwl) |
          The Inari is a Japanese deity whose symbol is foxes, and said foxes often carry with them items such as wish-fulfilling jewels, magical gems, great-writings-on-scrolls, and keys. Specifically, they carry them with their mouths, hence the reason why DCIG Inaris hold bamboo tubes in their mouths (ancient scrolls are made of bamboo slips). If we are allowed to see more of Team Yellow's HQ, we might get to see the jewel or the gem, or that if they are to create a logo, it is likely that these will be included.