
@naomimurs412 Aw! Thank you so much! I've been thinking about editing it a bit lately what do you think about that idea? :/


@NiallBby it still gd if you do it edit its up to you and if you do edit i will read ot again as love the book xx


@AngelPalencia I don't want you to think that I was being mean to you. I do understand where you are coming from. I imagine your love for After may be like my love for Percy Jackson or Mortal Instruments (both of which I recommend whole heartedly lol). I'll defend both series till the day I die. I just assumed you were a fan of One Direction and that was why you read After, which is why I wanted to reply to your comment and see why you defended Anna.
          But, I do want you to take one thing away from our conversation, keeping in mind that you are free to love, defend, read whatever you want. Just remember that the relationship Tessa and 'Harry' have is not a healthy relationship. He abuses her. He yells at her. He used her for sex. I don't care how much he loved her, or how much of it was real to him in the story, but no matter how mentally disturbed a person is, it is in no way okay for them to treat another person the way Anna made Harry.
          If you're ever in a relationship like theirs, forget the person, because odds are, he won't change. Mentally unstable people rarely change unless they want to.


@NiallBby to answer your question, i care about the story, even it does not carry the names of those boys...even anna did not used the name of harry. I did not read after because it carries the name of one direction, ive read it because its a good story.. i hope you understand my point..tnx


@NiallBby as it said it is a FAN FICTION.. and all the events in the story are not based on real life situation of those boys. So if i'M Defending anna, wat i feel is also the same maybe as u feel wen you defend those boys. I just pissed to those people leaving rude comments to whoevr followers of anna that leaves message appreciation on her message board. If they don't like it, just get their selves out of anna's message board. They have their own opinion so they must also respects others pov. . .but not bashing evry message of anna's supporters..


@AngelPalencia A. Two wrongs don't make a right, so by attacking njhor4n for attacking Anna is just as wrong. I'm sure Anna appreciates your support, but don't retaliate when it's not your battle. B. You have no right to be so rude to her. She never said anything against you; just Anna. C. You do realize that After is a full-out erotica that disgraces Harry and One Direction. I get that it's a fan fiction, but it still has the names of Harry and One Direction. Harry is portrayed as an abusive, alcoholic dick. And before you say I can't make assumptions, I've read every single chapter in all three After books because I thought they were amazing, but they are the true definition of lunacy. All of the boys are disgusted by the fact that Anna landed a book deal off of an erotica book with characters that aren't actually her own, that are suppose to be themselves.
          Next time you think about defending Anna and After, just think about the boys. Think about how violated Harry must feel and how embarrassed they all must be. Then, answer this question: Do I care more about One Direction, a group of five amazing guys that are REAL, or Anna Todd and After, a story that is FICTIONAL and shines a fight fanatic, booze-invested, lust-driven light on Harry Styles, a guy who won all of our hearts, and therefore reflecting that light onto Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn?
          It's a simple question.