
Hello everybody. I'm sure everyone has been wondering where I have disappeared to without a trace. I'm sorry if I had you guys worried or made a few of you angry because of the lack of updates but I want to make some things clear. Number one, I'm not planning to abandon this book and make it an incomplete story, we will get through the whole book. Number two, the reason why I haven't been updating is in regards of my previous post. An unexpected family emergency was leaving me no room to focus on anything other than the that problem. A person very close to me had a medical emergency a few months back and me and my family have been trying to gather money in order to afford treatment for them. However, things are starting to look up since we recently reached our goal.
          	I hope this cleared up any worries or confusion I may have caused. Sorry for the inconvenience everybody and I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter! :)




@Nexus_Void I love when you post chapters <33 take your time and i hope everything gets better for you, sending love <33


Wish u luck ✨


Hello everybody. I'm sure everyone has been wondering where I have disappeared to without a trace. I'm sorry if I had you guys worried or made a few of you angry because of the lack of updates but I want to make some things clear. Number one, I'm not planning to abandon this book and make it an incomplete story, we will get through the whole book. Number two, the reason why I haven't been updating is in regards of my previous post. An unexpected family emergency was leaving me no room to focus on anything other than the that problem. A person very close to me had a medical emergency a few months back and me and my family have been trying to gather money in order to afford treatment for them. However, things are starting to look up since we recently reached our goal.
          I hope this cleared up any worries or confusion I may have caused. Sorry for the inconvenience everybody and I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter! :)




@Nexus_Void I love when you post chapters <33 take your time and i hope everything gets better for you, sending love <33


Wish u luck ✨


Hello everyone, I hope you guys are doing great. I apologize for the recent lack of chapter updates. Two weeks ago an unexpected family emergency had came up and I am currently handling it. There will be a short (very short) puase on the book for a while because of the situation currently at hand. Again, and I can't stress this enough, I am so sorry about this but I'll hopefully be back at it as soon as I sort out the mess I have found myself in.
          Hope you guys have a great day/night! 


@Nexus_Void its okay girly! I hope everything gets better <3 take as long as you need


Okay guys, so I've been thinking. Since I have a little bit more free time I'm gonna change the updating schedule a little bit. So I will be either updating on Wednesdays or Saturdays, maybe sometimes both. The time will stay the same unless I say otherswise. But yeah I will be putting out the new chapter in an hour or so :) 


Hi everybody! Just wanted to come on and say that there will be regular updating from now on. Every Saturday there will be an update at 8:00 pm GMT+2. If for some reason I can't update I will let you guys know in advance and then update in the next 3 days. That's all though hope everyone has a great day/night! <3