
XD Someone showed my seven year old cousin Among us. She doesn't even understand it lol


'Ello! Should I try to write a book about Hermitcraft, but actually every hermit had a mental illness and they are trying to get through it or smthn like that? 


@ I_love_Polar_Bears  OK, thanks for commenting 


@NexTheWeirdo its ur choice but tell me if you do end up doing it cuz that sounds like something I would read


this message may be offensive
Ello! Welcome to me ranting about politics for who knows how long!(there is  cursing and a LOT of misspelt words) 
          Okay, let's start of simple.*takes in deep breath* I'm pissed.
          There have been protests going on for about 50 days and they ARE still going! What the FUCK! Why is my country so fucking corrupted!
          Our prime minister is literally trained to be a fireman, then he became one of the government's guards and now he leads the whole country! He doesn't know any languages beside his naitive one! He doesn't know English, German and such! My English is better than his! A fricking SINGER is gathering a team of professionals who ACTUALLY can do something! He's going to be better than our current prime minister! 
          Pictures of our prime minister's apartment were leaked! There were fricking GUNS and A LOT OF CASH in his drawers! Oh, let's not forget about the recording, where he literally said that one of his opponents was a "dump ****(that was her hometown, like if I say "European girl") pussy"! He also wants to FUCKING change our CONSTITUTION!!! 
          Now about the whole rebellions. There had been on the go for 50 FUCKING days! 50!? WHY THE FUCK WON'T THE PREMIER, WITH ALL OF THE POOR EXCUSE OF A GOVERNMENT we have just understand that WE WANT THEM DOWN. 
          The people even made songs. FUCKING songs!! That are meant for the protest! And they are actually quite accurate! Oh and dotn forget one of them most popular team of comidians, who are known for mocking the politicians and to make fun of everything, but in a good way. A way that makes you laugh. They made a video too, ya know? 


@ lwatts41  Why do you ask?(Sorry, but I'm really strict when it comes to personal information) 


@NexTheWeirdo what country do u live in? I'm so sorry for u x


@ Cupcake30009  You are unfortunately right =(


I just realised I had 90 followers... :O
          You all are amazing! Thank you for being here and also for reading my cr@p!


@NexTheWierdo Congrats!! You deserve it!! <3


@ CodM77 Thanks =) 