
Idk whether I'll post chapter 38 today or tomorrow, have been busy these past few days. Anyway, if I somehow managed to post a new chap for today, it might be posted later than usual.
          	Sincerely, Author New Haneul ♥️


@NewHaneul it's fine! take your time, we are willing to wait!!♡


Hello y'all this is your author. First thing first i want to apologize that here, I want to inform y'all that I might not be able to update the new chap for tomorrow. I was really really in a bad condition in the past few weeks and only been able to write the latest chap that I just posted today which is chap 34.
          I was thinking to still continue writing for tomorrow's chapter but I can't hold it anymore as I was very very sick this time and didn't have the time to write it. But don't worry, it won't be long until I recover and post the new chapter soon. Again I want to apologize as I might disappoint you all. I promise I'll make it up and post an extra chap next time after I recover.
          Sincerely, Author New Haneul ❤️


@NewHaneul It's sad to know but, it's completely okay. Your health is important, and you need to prioritize yourself. We understand your situation and willing to wait for your next chapter. Take your time to recover and don't rush. We're here waiting for you and supporting you. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories. Take care always!♡


@NewHaneul don't worry sweetie , speed recovery we're all rooting for you ❤️ as for the story I'm having my exams this Sunday so I won't be able to read it till next weekend or the wee after so it's fine i hope you'll be okay na ❤️✨and i hope that they'll be okay after i come back to read it  


@NewHaneul Please get well soon and take your time to update. We miss you but we will wait patiently. Look after yourself


Gimana klu aku takedown dulu semua story ku yang hiatus...atau aku biarin aja


@NewHaneul nggk gitu, maksudku, klu aku punya ide untuk sambung storynya bru ku up lgi storynya ato gk usah d takedown biar d situ aja story ku yg hiatus biarpun gk update 


@ NewHaneul  kenapa mau biarin