
Hi there, I just wanted to tell you that Ghosts of the Forest made it into the New list of Fantasy and it's by far the only proper looking book cover around so I'm getting some attention by new readers, thanks a lot, you really did a great job with that cover! :D


@Sornea That's so awesome, I'm really happy to hear that :D
            But it doesn't just get attention because of the cover but also because of the description (which sounds cool, is not written all in caps and doesn't have mistakes in it (as far as I can see)). ^^




@Neromir It'd be nice if you didn't blow it up indeed. But if you do, don't forget to record it and write about it :D


@Sornea I'll think about it...but now I'll have to read the newly uploaded "Children of the Forest" chapters and write comments everywhere! Can't blow this book up though... (because it's too awesome and because I don't want to blow up my computer...^^)


@Neromir Ah, no, boring, never, just combine all of them... you could, dunno, write something while reading it somewhere else (so copying, basically) and blow up a balloon or a bubblegum (isn't that the start of the conversation anyway?) at the same time! Or I don't know, blow up a book you're reading while writing it, might be more dangerous though.