
Ok I am actually so sorry! I said I’d start things then went to Japan- then left my laptop there…. I am getting started now


Guys I just re-watched Harry Potter and- frankly I’m gonna be honest, I love it even more. So I’ve decided to write a new fanfic about Draco Malfoy’s Gryfinndor twin sister. That pretty much it. . . Any suggestions? I'll take em! 


I'm truly sorry that I haven't gotten the new chapter of The Run Away Nobel out even though it was supposed to be last weekend. I have been very busy with basketball tournaments and 7 hours of my day has all been devoted to theater that in week due to that comp is tomorrow. I will not be able to get it all planed and written by this weekend since we have home performance Friday- and I and very sorry. Thank you sooo much for your patience, i will get it out sometime I promise!! 


Happy new years everyone!! Hope it been a great year for you all! Idk if anyone else does this but I love to make a new years resolution- this year I want to focus on writing. We all know I suck at getting chapters out. . . Anyways hope you all have a great night!!!


AHHHHHHH WTH!!!! This morning I woke up saying "ooo ima go upstairs to my computer and work on the Run Away Nobel!" as soon as I got up, I got this horrible pain in my back. Apparently I've torn a muscle most likely because of basketball- so I might be less busy and I'll be able to get more chapters out! Good and bad? (._.) Anyways happy holidays!


Mk guys I've deleted the violet dream from existence. TEMPORARILY. I could see how bad it was considering it was a book from when I was wayyy younger.  Lil cring ngl, SO I'm rewriting the whole book. Sooo yeah


If you have any ideas after the first chapter comes out PLEASE tell me, I'm open for it all!!


Told you, Short break! I've gotten a lot of time to myself and all I've been doing is school, basketball, Listening to music, and of course draw. I'm feeling a lot better and I can't wait to get a HUGE amount of chapters out on my books!


Uhhh hi! Just to the people who read my things *cough cough* very little lol, I am taking a HOPEFULLY short break for mental health reasons. I promise when I come back a bunch of my books will have a lot of new chapters. Thanks for understanding, ALSO HAPPY HALLOWEEN AND HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING!!! 